The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith is
the Tabernacle’s doctrinal standard.
Doctrine Classes cover the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, contemporary issues and other topics of particular importance.
As an independent reformed Baptist church, the Tabernacle teaches the doctrines of grace and the free offer of the Gospel. It adheres strongly to traditional worship, teaches separation from worldliness and emphasises the working church concept.
The second pastor, Benjamin Keach, was a co-signatory of the 1689 confession which has remained the church’s statement of faith ever since. CH Spurgeon encouraged all the younger people in the Tabernacle to read it, their first ‘systematic theology in short compass’. It remains a basis for peace and unity among the church members, and today we ask all who join the Tabernacle to become familiar with it.
Doctrine Class gives an overview of the Confession, together with other topics, in two years.
Video recordings of lessons are posted after the classes.
November 19th: True and False Conversion
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
How do we know that our conversion is genuine? Scripture’s guidance on the marks of true salvation.
November 12th: The Interpretation of Scripture
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
The rules for correctly interpreting God’s Word, contained within its own pages, outlined and explained.
October 29th: God’s Law and Christian Liberty
Speaker: Chris Laws
What does Paul mean when he says we “are not under the law”, and what is New Testament Christian “liberty”? Two chapters from the Confession on the place of God’s commandments today.
October 22nd: The Inspiration of Scripture
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
How the Lord produced the written Scriptures, and the meaning of verbal and plenary inspiration.
October 15th: Marriage and Divorce
Speaker: Chris Laws
The institution of marriage for mankind - the building block of society - has been discarded my much of the Western world, and not adequately understood by Christians.
October 8th: Did God Create the World in Six Days?
Speaker: Chris Laws
Widely considered foolish, a fairy tale, the 6-day Creation is the only explanation of life
October 1st: Chronology of the Hebrew Kings
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Numerous differing dates have puzzled Old Testament scholars for centuries. The solution came to light more recently. An overview of the chronological issues.
September 24th: Hudson Taylor
Speaker: Chris Cooper
The moving account of a life of extraordinary achievement in bringing the Gospel to China.
September 10th: The Sufficiency of Scripture
Speaker: Chris Laws
Scripture is described by our Confession as a “sufficient” as well as infallible ‘handbook for life’. A look at the the first BCF doctrine and its implications.
September 3rd: How Can I be Sure the Bible Is God’s Word?
Speaker: Chris Laws
An overview of the unique nature of the Bible
June 25th: Church Leaders
Speaker: Chris Laws
How Paul organised the churches of his day remains the model for us. Were there pastors in the early churches? The biblical reasons for a church employing a minister.
June 18th: Lord Radstock
Speaker: Chris Cooper
The extraordinary work of Lord Radstock in the late 19th Century is a challenge to us all. Used by the Lord to bring the Gospel to the rich and powerful of Russian high society, his work is still bearing fruit today. Also active in London and in other countries, his biography deserves to be more widely known.
June 11th: Church Membership
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
The biblical injunction to join a local church. The duties and benefits of church membership.
June 4th: The Intermediate State
Speaker: Chris Laws
What precisely happens to body and soul - of unbelievers and believers - at death? Is it true the soul sleeps?
May 28th: Sanctification.
Speaker: Jide Owolabi
The ‘Higher Life’ movement’s teaching on personal sanctification is refuted in this study which tracks the Baptist Confession of Faith. How does the believer attain holiness?
May 21st: The Doctrine of Revelation
Speaker: Chris Laws
The ways in which God speaks unmistakably to all people in the world, as outlined in the Baptist Confession of Faith.
May 7th: Worship - Why keep it traditional?
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
The contemporary worship scene makes an examination of this subject of critical importance. The new style of praise is not a matter of taste but of disregard of biblical principles.
April 30th: God’s Covenants
Speaker: Chris Laws
This key doctrine provides a clear view of God’s dealings with men, and a firm foundation for church practice.
April 23rd: The Fall of Man
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Widely derided, here is the only explanation of the world, human depravity and the conscience.