November 12th: The Interpretation of Scripture

Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll

The rules for correctly interpreting God’s Word, contained within its own pages, outlined and explained.

·         Given all the different views & practices amongst Christians you’d think the Bible is difficult to interpret
·         But numerous views on Scripture are not inevitable
2 Peter 1.20,21 - ‘Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.’  
BCF chapter 1 section 9 & 10 ‘The infallible rule for the interpretation of Scripture is the Scripture itself, & therefore it must be searched… The supreme judge, by which all controversies of religion are to be determined… can be no other than the Holy Scripture, delivered by the Spirit’
·         Modern Mysticism says - ‘What is God saying to me?’  i.e. a passage may mean something different to different people
Rom 15.5 - ‘Now the God of patience & consolation grant you to be like-minded one toward another according to Christ Jesus’ - Same opinion/mind-set…

Infiltration of Modern Liberal Approach > widespread global damage
1.     What was the original author trying to say to the people?
2.     What was the culture of the day? (holy kiss & head covering cf. women teaching & homosexuality)
3.     What theology would the author have known? – Progressive Revelation (only previous revelations can help ® NT cannot shed light on OT)
4.     Each passage has only one sense (Psalm 51 – David’s repentance only?)
5.     Don’t read any religious opinion into any passage!

·         God’s Word dies in our hands; sermons are dry, impotent & empty
Eg: Carey’s great sermon, using Isaiah 54.2,3 – ‘Enlarge the place of thy tent, & let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, & strengthen thy stakes; For thou shalt break forth on the right hand & on the left; & thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, & make the desolate cities to be inhabited.’
·         Modern approach strips out the message – many modern commentaries are of no help
·         People adrift in the churches – scripture becomes less relevant
·         Confusion & numerous opinions eg: confusion/error on the Christian TV channels
Matt 22.29‘Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God’

Great gulf between ‘liberal approach’ & the ‘real method’
Example 1.
      Deut 25.4 - ‘Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.’ What is this about? Humanity or oxen? 1 Cor 9.7-10, 13 & 14 - …Instruction about reward for labour
Example 2.      Deut 22.10,11 - ‘You shall not plough with an ox & an ass together. Thou shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts, as of woollen and linen together.’ 2 Cor 6.14‘Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers’
A principle for life!

Remember - the real author is NOT the penman – 1 Peter 1.10-12
1.     Invariably scripture is more profound than the penman – hence modern approach is disastrous – The writers studied their own prophecies
2.     Message was much bigger than the messenger
3.     God the author is not the author of confusion – He wants us to be instructed clearly by His book
Perhaps some of the modern confusion stems from a lack of respect for God’s word…?

1.    Prayer & reverence
Ps 119.18
- ‘Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.’
·         Implication – I tend to miss wonderful things, I need illumination
·         Not a revelation – but find the objective/clear standards
·         Of course I need daily feeding, & I need to avoid fanciful interpretations
·         Respect His Word – it’s not highly complex, & yet not trivial
·         It is His Word by which I’ll be judged; it is His commands

2.    Avoid Wrong Attitudes
a.     Avoid overconfidence – esp. young men… come humbly, desiring to see new things
b.     Be prepared to have your views changed. Be prepared for rebuke & correction as well as encouragement – much easier for us, since not in public life!
Illus: e.g. Politicians who make mistakes – rarely apologise…
c.     Don’t use Bible to try to justify existing opinions, or win arguments
d.     Avoid superficiality: but desire depth. Look for doctrines & applications
e.     Not technical knowledge (dates, places); Long for spiritual advance –
-          Why has the Holy Spirit written this?
-          That’s why we avoid some SS lesson systems & ‘types of quizzes’

3.    Commitment to Accuracy
a.    Slow down & observe the detail, don’t rush –
public reading is supposed to be slow & deliberate (just one of the reasons we use the KJV – it makes us think)
E.g. Are miracles frequent in the NT – As suggested by power evangelists? Actually, the NT is full of witness without miracles
b.    Work out the meaning of crucial words
E.g. James 5.14 – ‘Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; & let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.’
anointing him with oil = oiling with oil, greasing with perfume
Not consecrate;
not a spiritual act, but practical one – massage, soothing
Modern equivalent might be financial help, care & support

4.    Sensible Sense First
a.     The plain sense of the penman – Moderns stop here
b.     Type of book – Historical, prophetic, poetic, letter. Genesis & Rev
c.     Context – Most ignored rule of all?
Example 1. Matthew 7.1 - ’Judge not, that ye be not judged’ - must be read in context of 7.6 & 7.15…dogs & false prophets. Thus, it refers to hypocrisy & judging while guilty of same error. Chapter context is about discernment
Example 2
. James 5.15‘& the prayer of faith shall save the sick, & the Lord shall raise him up…’ Is this a right to healing? Must be in the context of God’s will – James 4.15

5.    The Analogy of Faith – a Reformation term
·         Does my interpretation agree with the whole faith?
·         Assumption is that God’s word cannot contradict itself
a.     Check vs. fundamental doctrine. E.g. can a believer lose salvation?
b.     Is it taught in other scriptures – Build up the doctrines from a number of texts
E.g. speaking privately in ecstatic tongues built on 1 text
c.     Not dependent upon non-biblical information

6.    Look for the practical lessons
§  We are instructed to look for Christ & His Church in the OT – Acts 28.23
Paul preaching when he arrived in Rome ‘…persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, & out of the prophets, from morning till evening…’
§  Hebrews 11 – tells us how to view the heroes of Faith
§  Expect profound help from all scripture. Rom 15.4 – for our learning, 1 Cor 10.11 - ensamples, 2 Tim 3.16 – all scripture is profitable

7.    Normative for today?
§  Holy kiss, wearing of head-coverings etc. What it cultural?
§  What else was cultural, & what is not?

8.    What do the commentators think? – Can give some recs if required…
Hence the reason for a Systematic Theology, Code of Belief & Doctrine Class


November 19th: True and False Conversion


October 29th: God’s Law and Christian Liberty