The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith is
the Tabernacle’s doctrinal standard.
Doctrine Classes cover the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, contemporary issues and other topics of particular importance.
As an independent reformed Baptist church, the Tabernacle teaches the doctrines of grace and the free offer of the Gospel. It adheres strongly to traditional worship, teaches separation from worldliness and emphasises the working church concept.
The second pastor, Benjamin Keach, was a co-signatory of the 1689 confession which has remained the church’s statement of faith ever since. CH Spurgeon encouraged all the younger people in the Tabernacle to read it, their first ‘systematic theology in short compass’. It remains a basis for peace and unity among the church members, and today we ask all who join the Tabernacle to become familiar with it.
Doctrine Class gives an overview of the Confession, together with other topics, in two years.
Video recordings of lessons are posted after the classes.
December 15th: Repentance and Salvation
Speaker: Jide Owolabi
Repentance is absent from many Gospel sermons in these days of seeker-sensitive services and friendship-evangelism. New Testament conversion always involves turning from sin.
December 8th: Should Christians Drink?
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Are alcoholic drinks right or wrong for a believer? Didn’t believers drink wine in Bible times? The Bible’s arguments are examined with the prevailing worldliness in mind.
December 1st: Why Baptism Is Not for Infants
Speaker: Chris Laws
A survey of the New Testament to establish the proper recipents of Christ’s ordinance.
November 24th: Pilgrim’s Progress
Speaker: Chris Cooper
This greatest-of-all allegories once shaped the nation. The nature of salvation and the spiritual battles of the believer are here unfolded by John Bunyan.
November 21st: The New Calvinism
Speaker: Chris Laws
The resurgence of interest in Calvinism, accompanied by the abandoning of the Christian’s calling to leave the world, is a ‘re-run’ of Israel’s repeated failings.
November 10th: Good Works
Speaker: Jide Owolabi
Why faith without works is dead: antinomianism is much in evidence today among reformed believers. What about the good works of unbelievers?
October 27th: The Trinity
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Unique to the Bible, this doctrine is the foundation of man’s salvation. This study will demonstrate that Father, Son and Holy Spirit all share the same divine attributes.
October 20th: Dispensationalism
Speaker: Robert Aboagye
Conceived by J N Darby in the early 19th C and popularised by the Scofield Bible, this teaching which represents a wide departure from traditional evangelicalism, continues to influence believers today.
October 13th: The Providence of God
Speaker: Chris Laws
God’s activity as the ‘First Cause’ was described by the puritans as the mystery of providence. A glimpse from Scripture into the wonder of His care over all.
October 6th: The Millennium
Speaker: Chris Laws
What do we know from the Bible about the thousand-year reign of Christ? Is it literal?
September 29th: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
According to Scripture, all believers experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit. When does it occur, and is it the same as the filling of the Spirit?
September 22nd: The End of the World
Speaker: Chris Laws
Shaping our view of the end of time from the Gospels and Epistles.
September 15th: Faith Healing (2)
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
In this second talk, Dr Wyncoll examines the medical data from cases of claimed faith healing.
September 8th: Faith Healing
Speaker: Dr Duncan Wyncoll
The first of two addresses looks at the Scripture texts. Can ‘gifted healers’ help with intractable diseases? What is the New Testament teaching on healing for the seriously ill?
1st Sept: What Exactly Is Conversion?
Speaker: Chris Laws
This study is devoted to examining the ‘components’ common to all true Christian conversion experience. Here is essential information if we are to be useful in helping seekers.
14th July: The Authority of Scripture
Speaker: Chris Laws
Nothing has an in-built authority over men like God’s book. Its demands provoke unbelievers, and its truths bring souls to life.
30th June: Noah’s Flood
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Widely derided as fiction, this momentous event, recorded in Scripture, remains the only explanation for much geological observation.
23rd June: The Sunday School
Speaker: Chris Cooper
Overlooking the Bible’s command for child evangelism is disastrous for the rising generation. The Outreach Sunday School examined, with its immense benefits.
16th June: Heaven
Speaker: Chris Law
Answering questions about the Intermediate state, Heaven and the resurrection. “If Heaven is there, why do we live as if it weren’t?”
9th June: Demon Possession
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Demon possession was much in evidence during the ministry of Christ. Does it occur today, and if so, under what circumstances?