Reading recommendations

The books below have been recommended during the Summer 2020 classes

Books are listed in date order

19th April
More than Conquerors, William Hendriksen
Hendriksen’s commentaries
The Inspiration & Authority of Scripture, René Pache

26th April
Handbook of Revivals, Henry C Fish

3rd May
The Lord’s Supper – recommended reading at the end of notes

10th May
Expository Thoughts (on the Gospels), J C Ryle

17th May
William Carey, S Pearce Carey

24th May
Six Day Creation, Robert Gurney

31st May
Witnessing – recommended reading at the end of notes

7th June
Half-Hours with William Hendriksen

14th June
Trust and Obey, Jay E Adams
Psychiatry – any books by Martin & Deidre Bobgan
Cracked, James Davies

21st June
Lord Radstock, David Fountain
Reminder – Half-Hours with William Hendriksen
Gleanings from Paul
, A W Pink

28th June
The Bible on the Life Hereafter, William Hendriksen
Probing Heaven, John Gilmore
Heaven and Hell, Edward Donnelly

5th July
Angels Among Us, or The Secret Life of Angels (alternative title), Ron Rhodes

12th July
The Lord’s Day - recommended reading at end of notes

19th July
The Metropolitan Tabernacle: Its History and Work, CH Spurgeon.

26th July
Church Membership, Dr Peter Masters

2nd August
Systematic Theology, Louis Berkhof
The Faith, Dr Peter Masters