October 1st: Chronology of the Hebrew Kings

Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll

Chronology is the ‘backbone of History’; especially so for the Hebrew nation
OT messages are vitally important, consistency must be seen ® confidence
But superficially it seems a little messy & a bit confused
Some scholars have been baffled & then think the Bible is “Full of Contradictions”

How then can the Bible be accurate in other things?
There appear to be ‘Errors compared with Assyrian records’; both can’t be correct – so either Hebrew dating is wrong, OR they’re wrongly understood
Specifically the Kings of Israel & Judah – a lot in Kings, Chronicles of individual nations & x-referenced between nations - Need to understand the pattern
Illus: Meticulous correctness/accuracy important to Reformed faith, esp. evident when I was young in faith

Many of the details appear to be self-contradictory
A) 2 Kings 8.25
‘In the 12th year of Joram the son of Ahab king of Israel did Ahaziah the son of Jehoram king of Judah begin to reign
B) 2 Kings 9.29‘& in the 11th year of Joram the son of Ahab began Ahaziah to reign over Judah’

A) 2 Kings 1.17b‘& Jehoram (Joram) reigned in his stead, in the 2nd year of Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah; because he had no son’
B) 2 Kings 3.1‘Now Jehoram [Joram - the son of Ahab] began to reign over Israel in Samaria in the 18th year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, & reigned 12 years’

1st sight - hopelessly contradictory, no harmony possible… Yet they fit a perfect pattern

Septuagint (seventy translators) – “The Greek OT”
·         Hebrew into Greek in 7th Century BC – suspicion began of the accuracy of translation & copying…
·         Massoretic text (the authorative Hebrew text) – Would they attempt to correct differences? No – never corrupted them…
·         Translations: vast bulk are correct to the point of astonishment
·         Many people thought for years they were Transmission errors, or given up in despair
·         Scholars baffled; was Hebrew culture inferior?
·         Split of the Kingdom/Jehu’s double killing/ Fall of Samaria…
·         But none of the dates work…
·         How did Spurgeon, Calvin, John Owen deal with this? – they still Trusted the Word…

Edwin Thiele (1895-1986) in 1951 solved the answers
·         No inconsistencies, & no contradictions – proved the precision of the chronology
We have to make an assumption?
The Word of God is right – any inconsistency is down to our lack of knowledge!
How accurate are the dates? – VERY
Confirmed by dates of the Assyrian Kings (British Museum etc)
1.     1 Kings 15.9,10‘& in the 20th year of Jereboam king of Israel reigned Asa over Judah. & 40 & 1 years reigned he in Jerusalem…’
1 Kings 16.29‘& in the 30 & 8th year of Asa king of Judah began Ahab the son of Omri to reign over Israel: & Ahab the son of Omri reigned over Israel in Samaria 20 and 2 years’
1 Kings 22.51 – ‘Ahaziah the son of Ahab began to reign over Israel in Samaria the 17th year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, & reigned 2 years over Israel.’

Judah -                        Asa 41         (38)          |                       Jehoshaphat      17        
Israel -                                                |       (3)           Ahab 22                       |     Ahaziah

How to reconcile? What did Thiele discover?
·         Accession system – Accession year/1st/2nd/3rd etc
·         Old King dies = last year. New king accession year
·         Non-Accession system – 1st/2nd/3rd etc
·         Old king dies = last year. New king year 1 – double counting…

Judah used Accession system – can understate the length of reign (also Assyria, Babylon & Persia)
Israel used Non-Accession system – can overstate length of reign
·         Ahab only reigned 21 years (because of Non-accession system)
·         Also have use Non-accession for 38th year of Asa reign = FULL agreement

931 BC from Kingdom splitting to 841 BC = 90 years

ISRAEL                                                JUDAH

Jeroboam       22                                          Rehoboam              17
Nadab             2                                             Abijah                       3
Baasha            24                                          Asa                              41
Elah                 2                                             Jehoshaphat           25
Omri               12                                           Jehoram                   8
Ahab               22                                          Ahaziah                     1
Ahaziah         2
Joram             12       

TOTAL         98 years                           TOTAL                    95 years

Joram & Ahaziah met their deaths on the same day at the hands on Jehu                                

And Another Issue
·         Judah began year in Sept/October, & Israel in April/May
(Similar to Chinese NY)
·         Calendar year – Jan, Tax year – April, School year – Sept, cf. with USA
·         Occasional businesses change their ‘accounting years…’
·         King comes to throne in Dec & dies in April – 5 months, 1 year or even 2 years!

And a Further Issue
·         Often a son co-reigns with Father (co-regency)
·         Length of reign of the son = total incl. co-regency
·         Start of reign = coronation was start of ‘sole’ reign

How to reconcile?
·         Israel 98 becomes 90 years when you understand the Non-Accession system
·         Judah 95 becomes only 92 (since 3 years of co-regency)
·         But when re-joined Israel temporarily used Israel’s system twice ® 90 years! 

Look at charts to understand the next 119 years
Israel B
·         10 Reigns – 144 years, switched to accession system after 2 reigns - 142
·         1 overlapping reign of 11 years – 131
·         Two kings together for 12 years – 119
Judah B
·         6 reigns – 166 years
·         3 co-regencies of 38 years – 128
·         Fall of Samaria was 7 years before last king died – 121
·         2 non-accession reigns - 119

1.     The accuracy of God’s word. The Hebrew translators transmitted the ‘superficial inaccuracies & now we see how accurate they were’. PRECISE copying of the Massoretic text
2.     We believe in & can Trust the verbally inspired word
3.     If I don’t understand God’s word, then it’s probably my fault & not a contradiction – Solution only came when Thiele assumed that Bible was correct
4.     It’s almost as if the Bible purposefully gives us these amazing puzzles – a test of our sincerity – take the Bible seriously
5.     Also a test of how much we love & respect the Word of God
6.     If we study the difficult passages then we will receive a great blessing
Romans 15.4‘For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience & comfort of the scriptures might have hope.’  Learning – ‘didactic’

Here is God’s speech, His voice, His Word
Bible has this uncanny ability to pierce & expose our hearts
Trust the accuracy, precision & detail of God’s word
Treasure it, read it, respect it, love it, receive it as it is – the Word of God


October 8th: Did God Create the World in Six Days?


September 24th: Hudson Taylor