October 22nd: The Inspiration of Scripture

Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll

How the Lord produced the written Scriptures, and the meaning of verbal and plenary inspiration.

§  God has to reveal himself: 3 ways – The Word of God, Nature & in ourselves
§  Up to 200 years ago inspiration was accepted – Jews, early church, church fathers, reformers
§  Liberalism ® now formed popular opinion  

‘How can I be sure the Bible is the Word of God?’ talk. Cf. Quran
Inexhaustible, Timeless & Eternally Youthful, Accurate, Unified, Indestructible, Fulfilled Prophecy, Honest, Universal, Powerful, & Unique (The World’s only Light).
§  We’re accused of illogical, circular reasoning
-          Scriptures assumed to be inspired, then texts produced to prove it
-          But Scientists assume nature is an amazing truth to discover, then examine it carefully
However – the world isn’t interested
§  It’s like Christ’s trial - Fake charges, Life testified against; Public swept along unthinkingly, “Crucify Him”…

What does scripture say about itself?
1 Corinthians 1 & 2 – the origin of inspiration
a.     Where is your wisdom? (1:20-21) – What is the result of pagan religion?
b.     There is a mind of the Lord, a mysterious, hidden & eternal wisdom of God (2:7,16) - Mind of God is hidden & we need revelation
c.     Natural man, blinded by sin, cannot know or receive it - a stumbling block (2:9,14; 1:18,22-23)
·         No other explanation – So sinful we won’t listen, & so prejudiced
·         Even though the conscience is stirred
·         Must accept the Bible for what it is
·         Critics won’t leave it alone; it won’t leave them
d.     God, of His own initiative, reveals to us through the Spirit His person & His salvation; prepared for those who love Him (2:10-12)
e.     The apostles words having been taught by the Spirit of God (2:13) – Words selected by God, not just substance but form of expression & words
·         Attackers persist even though God’s voice mentioned >3,800 times

An Inspired Bible: Partially or Wholly? – Different definitions of inspiration
·          ‘A good book’ – yes; but every word God’s voice? that’s too far say some…
1.     The Bible is only a remarkable human book without divine inspiration
Naturalistic - like great writers/artists, denies inspiration in any Biblical way
Untenable position - how else to explain facts above? Hymn 119 (11) v.1
2.     It is Partially inspired by God? – Matters of fact are not, but the spiritual passages
o    How do you tell the difference? No objective criteria…
o    How can the writers be trusted if some parts are inspired & some not?
The deity of Christ? – is it true? The miracles? – Which ones are his?
Illus: A slightly unreliable court witness often has all their evidence thrown out
3.     Dynamic Theory - It was inspired ‘thoughts’, but not the words
·         Some say… ‘The important thing is the truths conveyed & not the words…’
·         Was it general supervision? Or ‘write to this effect’, Which parts are reliable?
Illustration: Dictation to a secretary
4.     Encounter theory – Bible is a ‘vehicle of revelation’. It becomes inspired when it ‘inspires the reader’. It may help a person encounter God – but a human document, written by humans…
5.     Plenary & Verbal Inspiration- At the same time divine & human, God having fully inspired the authors who spoke in His Name. - Is that too far? The Bible claims this; true or fake wholly. No middle road; inspired or fanatical. It’s the Word of God, or a Lie.
God’s voice – dictated, but not all the same style!
‘Plenary & Verbal Inspiration’ - how did it work?
Plenary – Entire & complete. Full & sufficient influence of the HS extended to all parts of scripture – hence an authoritative revelation from God
VerbalEvery word (& not just the general thoughts) with infallible accuracy
1 Thess 2.13‘…because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.’
2 Samuel 23.2 –
The spirit of the Lord spake by me, & His word was in my tongue’
Jeremiah 1.9‘Then the Lord put forth his hand, & touched my mouth. & the Lord said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth’
·         Almost as if David anticipates the subsequent attacks on the Bible’s veracity…
Psalm 119.42 – ‘…I trust in thy word’
Psalm 119.86 – ‘…All thy commandments are faithful’
Psalm 119.89 – ‘Forever O Lord thy word is settled [Lit. ‘stationed’] in Heaven’

Dictated in a mechanical way? No
So, how did it work?
a)   God breathed – his initiative
·         The same way he converts, & oversees the laws of nature
·         He chose the authors; inspired at his compelling, ‘no inner light’
b)   Authenticated – prophets were tested, e.g. Moses’ & Paul’s miracles
·         cf. Quran – one man’s word & no signs
·         Also cf. charismatic prophesy (often general) & doubtful healings (not easy to verify)
c)   Writer remained lucid - no medium-like trance. Mind/memory active
John 14.26‘But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, & bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.’
d)    Message may have been beyond the writers’ grasp/comprehension
1 Peter 1:10
– the prophets searched their own scriptures
Psalm 22‘they pierced my hands & my feet…’
·         Could the writer really have appreciated these words?
e)    Occasionally dictated – 10 commandments, Isaiah etc
·         Used the style of the writers – proof it was not mechanical – avoided monotony; composed/used/overruled by the Spirit
·         God prepared a person of the nature that was required for the message
·         Writers not always perfect in personal conduct – David, Moses @ waters of Meribah
·         But also flexible to include personal matters

What did Christ & the Apostles say about the scriptures?
1.     It is PERFECT
Christ - John 10:35 - ‘& the scripture cannot be broken [Lit. loosen, destroyed, dissolved]’. 
§  It is impossible to deny, annul or withstand their authority…
§  Final even to the most minute details
Psalm 19:7,8 - ‘The law of the Lord (is) perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statues of the Lord (are) right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes’. 
Luke 16:17 - ‘& it is easier for heaven & earth to pass, than for one tittle of the law to fail’. 

2.     The Words (letters) are INSPIRED by God
Matthew 19.4
‘Have ye not read, that He which made them at the beginning…’ Pharisees question re. divorce – words written by Moses, but Christ says from the Lord…
2 Tim 3:16,17 – ‘All scripture is given by inspiration of God, & is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…’  Lit. ‘God-breathed’

3.     The Bible is SUFFICIENT
§  Rich Man & Lazarus
Luke 16:31 ‘…If they hear not Moses & the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.’ 
2 Tim 3:16,17‘…that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.’

4.     The authority for Life
When asked why Christ & disciples did not wash their hands before eating bread
Matthew 15:3 – Christ of the scriptures - ‘Why do ye transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?’
§  When attacked by Satan, 3 times, ‘It is written…’ Each time focussing on a single word

5.     It is a VITAL truth
Matthew 22:29‘Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.’
§  His last words to the disciples before ascension were a rebuke that they had not read & understood the scriptures
§  The Word was a sure foundation - man craves certainty. Speculation & hypotheses are insufficient regarding eternal issues.
[Illus: Benefit of learning the scriptures by heart]

1.    The Bible is the final court of appeal
Psalm 119.89
‘For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven’ – the ultimate standard for living [Settled – established, erected, appointed as deputy]
2.    We need to seek God’s forgiveness for neglecting his word
Hosea 8.12
– God says – ‘I have written to him the great things of my Law, but they were counted as a strange thing’ [Adulterous thing – coming from another]



October 29th: God’s Law and Christian Liberty


October 15th: Marriage and Divorce