November 19th: True and False Conversion

Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll

How do we know that our conversion is genuine? Scripture’s guidance on the marks of true salvation.

·         So few conversions in our day – Why? Because the Gospel is so terribly damaged?
·         Sadly over the last few decades – so many spurious conversions - churches seem to be full of unconverted ‘Christians’
·         No proper membership, worldly musical entertainment, weak preaching…
·         Perhaps you’ve attended a CU at University/work etc, & seen things that surprise you?

We need a clear understanding of conversion
·         Nowadays utter confusion
Christ’s ‘New Birth Analogy’ in John 3
§   Conception ® Growth ® Parturition/Birth – it’s a good analogy…

A. The Birth Process is not simple
: ‘renovation of the whole nature… because every part of us is contaminated’
·         Highly complex, even Parturition
·         Until recently, thought DNA explained beginnings of labour – it doesn’t…
·         Remains a mystery – so too the formation of a soul that drives the body
A Psalm of God’s constant care… Psalm 139.14‘I will praise thee; for I am fearfully & wonderfully made; marvellous are thy works: & that my soul knoweth right well’

B. It’s a Work of God                                                                                     
·         ‘We are born of the Spirit’ – not merely a human [the baby’s] decision
Jesus speaking to Nicodemas in John 3.6 – ‘That which is born of the flesh is flesh; & that which is born of the Spirit is spirit[ual]’

C. It accomplishes the seemingly impossible
·         The end of the process leads to a New Creature
2 Cor 5.17
‘Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new’
·         No other force or intelligence can achieve this

Overview of Salvation – the spiritual birth process
- Conception
- Awakening & Conviction
- Repentance & Faith
- Justification & New Birth
- Sealing & Sanctification
[see Chapter 4 Physicians of Souls]

§   ‘Conscious spiritual life begins at birth’ – but developing for some time before
§   Conversion is occasionally lengthy & protracted – just like ‘human birth’
In recent years – ‘Easy Believe-ism’
§   Conversion is trivialised: Decision cards/hands up/alter calls/’the sinner’s prayer’
§   Pop stars/celebrities ‘decide’ for Christ ® but no change, & no perseverance
§   Great gulf between this, & true conversion

The Church’s 1st Conversions in Acts 2 – 5 things to note
1st mass Evangelism rally, 3,000 people – but how different…
We’re concerned for real conversions – so we should watch Peter’s sermon/method carefully

1. Simple, plain Gospel preaching
§   Reasoned, mind-based - no emotional music/or shouting
§   Feelingful manner, ‘men & brethren’. Aim was to turn Mockers ® ‘concerned’ people
§   No gimmicks, entertainment, contrived atmosphere, not ‘made more palatable…’ but confronted the people.
§   Bible-based: explaining the scriptures of Joel 2 & Psalm 110
What would modern educationalists think about preaching? No visuals, too long…
1 Cor 1.21 ‘It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe’

2. Conception – spirit’s 1st stirrings
Acts 2.37
‘Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart…’
·         Awakened, horrified, pierced through & then convicted
§   Lit: pierced or ‘cut’ or ‘violently stung’ to the heart – like a defibrillator
Hebrews 4.12‘For the word of God is quick (alive) & powerful, & sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul & spirit, & of the joints & marrow, & is a discerner of the thoughts & intents of the heart.’
·         Gospel preaching is curiously personal… ‘As if speaking to me…’
·         It troubles & wounds us, isn’t palatable
·         Cf. Todays’ gospel is for solving your problems. ‘Jesus will put a smile on your face’

3. Repentance
Acts 2.38
‘Then Peter said unto them, Repent & be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins’
·         It is not enough to be convicted & troubled
·         Repentance is the next essential step – This is our only hope of pardon
·         Judas, King Saul & Felix both pricked in their hearts – but despaired. Acts 24.25
·         1st evidence of real conversion – Turning from sin to God, yielding to Him
·         If no break with the old life – then no conversion (Heb 13.13 – ‘without the camp’)

4. Faith
Acts 2.41 –
‘They gladly received his word…’ & Acts 2.21 – ‘& it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved’
·         Faith – trusting in Christ. His explanation makes sense of everything
·         Receiving His word, accepting it as correct & true

5. Change of heart & life
Acts 2.41 –
‘Then they that gladly received his word were baptised…’
·         Indicates a change of heart & life
·         This was costly thing to do – identify with the people of God
·         Remember: Only weeks before identification with him would lead to death…

Seven Marks of Grace – for discernment & self-examination
Changes that indicate that Conversion has occurred –
for ourselves/others

1. Conviction & repentance as above
Psalm 51.17 –
‘A broken & a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.’
·         Not a cool, intellectual acknowledgement, but a strong deep feeling
·         Concerned about sin & burdened for God’s pardon
·         Christ is a Saviour from sin before anything else
·         We look for testimonies which reveal this aspect

2. Understand the Bible
·         Suddenly the mind is opened & you love the Word
Acts 2.42 – ‘& they continued steadfastly (strongly attached) in the apostles doctrine & fellowship, & breaking of bread, & in prayers’
1 Cor 2.14 – ‘But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned.’
·         Unsaved people find the Bible complicated, obscure & difficult…
·         What was once complicated ® full of light. Keen to know it & obey it
Steadfastness in the susceptibility to God’s Word – loyal in attendance, not “on/off”

3. Family bond
·         Closeness, & a new bond with believers – ‘best friends’
Acts 2.42 - ‘& they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine & fellowship, & breaking of bread, & in prayers’ Koinonia – partnership, participation
1 John 3.14 -
‘We know we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren.’
·         Firmly attached to God’s people - ‘The royal blood of the family of Heaven flows in the veins…’
·         Or does a person still prefer the fellowship of the world? – is it real conversion?
·         Real believers sense a developing gap between themselves & unbelievers
·         NB – Not just to others of own age/cultural group… Family analogy
·         Young people often good at engaging with peers, but… uncomfortable outside…

4. Real prayer
·         Practice of prayer, & prayer meetings, discovery of personal prayer
Acts 2.42 - ‘& they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine & fellowship, & breaking of bread, & in prayers’
·         Desire to go into his presence. Has prayer been discovered?
·         Different type of prayers – now spiritual. Or is it still panic & gloom with every trial?
Galatians 4.6 - ‘& because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father’

5. New Heart
Acts 2.46 –
‘& they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, & breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness & singleness of heart.’
·         ‘Singleness of heart’ = sincerity, simplicity, smoothness
·         Opposite of a ‘toe stubbing on a stone’; Now teachable & mouldable
·         Aloof/Conceited > warm… or Flippant > reverent…
Ezekiel 11.19 – ‘& I will give them one heart, & I will put a new spirit within you; & I will take the stony heart out of their flesh & will give them an heart of flesh:’
·         Moved & touched by spiritual things, reverence & respect for the Lord

6. Assurance (an initial measure)
Acts 2.46,47 - ‘…with gladness, & singleness of heart, Praising God…’
Eph 1.13,14‘In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession…’
Earnest = deposit. Part of the money/property given in advance as security for the rest
·         Don’t expect enormous certainty & complete assurance initially
·         Initial measure (down-payment) – seal of authenticity & ownership

7. Attacks of Satan
·         Doubts & fears are a sign of a spiritual warfare
Luke 11.21‘When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his good are in peace’
·         True believers are no longer under Satan’s hold
Ephesians 6.12‘For we wrestle not against flesh & blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.’
·         A sign that the spiritual warfare has begun
·         Doubts – of faith, or of personal hold of faith

Conclusion – Have we slipped back?
·         No daily repentance, no Bible reading, missing meetings, double hearted, little conviction - Value conversion, rediscover that early zeal…


November 26th: The Law of God


November 12th: The Interpretation of Scripture