The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith is
the Tabernacle’s doctrinal standard.
Doctrine Classes cover the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, contemporary issues and other topics of particular importance.
As an independent reformed Baptist church, the Tabernacle teaches the doctrines of grace and the free offer of the Gospel. It adheres strongly to traditional worship, teaches separation from worldliness and emphasises the working church concept.
The second pastor, Benjamin Keach, was a co-signatory of the 1689 confession which has remained the church’s statement of faith ever since. CH Spurgeon encouraged all the younger people in the Tabernacle to read it, their first ‘systematic theology in short compass’. It remains a basis for peace and unity among the church members, and today we ask all who join the Tabernacle to become familiar with it.
Doctrine Class gives an overview of the Confession, together with other topics, in two years.
Video recordings of lessons are posted after the classes.
April 2nd: Jehovah’s Witnesses
Jehovah’s Witnesses
The most well-known of the Western cults, the Watchtower Society beguiles many seeking souls. A review of its beliefs and practices.
March 26th: Gambling
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Fourteen reasons why believers should not be involved with any form of gambling
March 19th: William Wilberforce
Speaker: Chris Cooper
An independent member of Parliament, Wilberforce set himself to achieve the abolition of the slave trade, and the liberation of slaves.
March 12th: Independency
Speaker: Chris Laws
The second distinguishing feature of a Reformed Baptist church, alongside that of believers baptism.
February 26th: Tongues Speaking
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Today’s ‘glossolalia’ bears no resemblance to the tongues speaking of the New Testament. This study will explain its unique purpose, and answer the the questions that perplex many.
February 19th: Cessationism
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
The signs of apostles passed from the scene with the apostles. The erosion of this simple truth has led to the confusion of charismatic ideas we see today.
February 12th: The Doctrines of Grace Applied
Speaker: Chris Laws
The Doctrines of Grace change our approach to evangelism, bring assurance and lead to new reverence for God - as well as resolving difficult problems.
February 5th: The Perseverance of the Saints
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
The last of the doctrines of grace. Can believers be sure of Heaven at last - and why?
January 29th: Irresistible Grace
Speaker: Chris Laws
A look at the Counsel of Redemption, and the call of God to sinners - external and internal.
January 22nd: Limited Atonement
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
What exactly did Christ do at Calvary? A glorious reformation doctrine about the highly personal sufferings of our Saviour. This study will examine texts which appear to teach Christ died for all.
January 15th: Unconditional Election
Speaker: Chris Laws
Here is the overwhelming determination of God to save sinners and to rescue them from their fate - hell.
January 8th: Total Depravity
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Here is the foundation for the Doctrines of Grace. In what sense is man totally depraved?
September 18th: The Life of John Calvin
Speaker: Chris Cooper
The fearless reformer and writer, who escaped with his life from Paris for preaching salvation by grace, went on to become the author of numerous Bible commentaries and his famous Institutes.
July 17th: Early Tabernacle History
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Three and a half centuries ago, our second pastor, Benjamin Keach, persecuted and imprisoned for the faith, was a co-signatory of the 1689 Confession. This talk traces the Tabernacle history from Keach to John Rippon who served 63 years as pastor.
July 10th: What Is the Church?
Speaker: Chris Laws
An introductory study to the nature of a church based on the picture language employed by the New Testament.
June 26th: The Authority of Scripture
Speaker: Jide Owolabi
Belief in the inspiration of Scripture without belief in its authority has always had serious consequences in the history of evangelicalism.
June 19th: The Lord’s Day
Speaker: Pastor Ibrahim Ag Mohamed
Large numbers of evangelical churches only hold one Sunday service. The 4th commandment stands out as unique, and yet has long since been abandoned. Here are the reasons why God’s people must dedicate this day to their Lord, and the activities that should fill it.
June 5th: Heaven
Speaker: Chris Laws
Combining three doctrines creates a ‘canvas’ on which a sketch of the world-to-come may be drawn in outline, producing motivation for service and holiness.
May 22nd 2022: Hypercalvinism
Speaker: Robert Aboagye
Misunderstanding the magnificent doctrines of grace has historically undermined the conviction of Paul, expressed in 1 Corinthians 9.16: “Woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel”. How did – and do – whole church groups find justification for themselves to neither preach the Gospel nor to engage in witnessing?
April 3rd: Witnessing Strategies from Scripture
Speaker: Pastor Ibrahim
Are we aware that the Lord Jesus Christ employed distinctive strategies for different kinds of unbelievers? The Gospels and the book of Acts give detailed and practical advice for a life of witness.