June 26th: The Authority of Scripture

Speaker: Jide Owolabi

Belief in the inspiration of Scripture without belief in its authority has always had serious consequences in the history of evangelicalism.

 The Authority of Scripture: Matt 5.17-18, John 10.34-35
-Today this subject is much under attack from every angle. Within the church and without.
Vociferous or subtle. Many of the problems we see in the churches nowadays are due to the fact people are not asking “what saith the scriptures”.
Are they really inspired? Infallible? Inerrant? Am I really obliged to obey all they have to say? Can I be sure this is God’s word)
-If not correct then opens up the flood gates entirely. One writer (AW Pink) said: Christian religion is founded upon the scriptures. If they are not authoritative then essentially we are all men most miserable…

Some of the questions people are asking today:
Is the Bible only partially inspired?
Did God only inspire the authors thoughts and not his words?
Are only the moral and spiritual teachings of the Bible inspired?
Does the Bible only “contain” the Word of God?

Inspiration of scripture
What underpins the authority of scripture?
Divine inspiration, Infallibility/Inerrancy. (Matt 5.17-18) is pivotal. BG (SoM), Salt/light, Come to fulfil
Not one jot or tittle passing from the law till it be fulfilled.
1) Accuracy. Minutia – Yod (smallest letter in Heb, iota in Grk). Tittle= smallest strokes (O Q)
2) Enduring stability: of the great truths and principles, moral and spiritual, of the Old Testament revelation. Heaven and earth more likely to move than scriptures.

Plenary inspiration: Signifies that inspiration is entire and without restriction. Sixty-six books, 39/27
2 Tim 3.16, All scripture..
1 Thes 2.13 The word of God, not men
Rev 22.18-19 Rev complete

Verbal inspiration: Why is a verbal inspiration specified? Because the words are inseparable from the message. The sense of the divine revelation is inextricably linked to the language of the scriptures.
Spurgeon: We contend for every word of the Bible and believe in the verbal, literal inspiration. If the words are taken from us, the exact meaning is of itself lost.
E.g Jer 1.7 But the LORD said unto me…whatsoever I command thee, thou shalt speak
Eze 2.9-3.4 Symbolically eat the scroll. And speak with my words unto them.  Not merely thoughts but words
Many liberal theologians nowadays overlook the importance of the need for accuracy in words.
E.g Matt 22.45/Ps 110.1 David gave the same title of Lord to Messiah as he does to God. This attests the deity of Christ
E.g John 8.58/Ex 3.14 I AM

Who gave the scripture?
God Almighty, Creator, Sovereign, Infallible, All Wise  (1 Tim 6.15)
Given through inspiration (2 Tim 3.16, 2 Peter 1.21).
1) God breathed: His initiative, he gave the word, he chose authors
Mechanically dictated? No. The human author was not wholly passive, with personality set aside. Not like a tape recorder. Mechanical dictation would produce complete uniformity on all the scripture
God inspired by controlling and guiding by his Spirit, and accommodating to the writers style, temperament and personal feelings. The result being in every word of the original documents, a perfect and errorless recording of the exact message God desired to give to man.
2) Authenticated: signs and wonders, objective criteria (Acts 1.21-22, 2.43,5.12)

Authority of scripture
3808 claims to his authority (Thus saith the Lord.. The word of the Lord came unto me….
d’Aubinge: “The divine authority of the scriptures and their inspiration are two distinct yet inseparable truths. The authority proceeds from their inspiration and their inspiration establishes their authority, just as the tempering of the metal produces steel, and the steel results from the tempering.
If one falls the other falls.
So is the Bible inspired just because it says it is? No. We have been convinced by its character (Unity, harmony, revelation of God, man, Jesus Christ, profundity, prophecy, manifold effects in indiv/fams/nations). 
Regeneration which has caused us to believe and our eyes to be opened.

(Illustration of authority- teachers/professors, research, parents, police, law: but all fallible)
Authority: Ultimate or final mediated standard of truth and criterion for judgement or evaluation. Final yardstick
All authority ultimately rests with God but he has chosen to mediate his authority through the scriptures. Higher/infallible.
Is the Old testament inspired and authoritative?
Authority of scripture in Israel (were the typical church submitted to the scripture?)
The book of the law was the very basis of the covenant (Ex 24.7) ..we will do it..
The Priests and Levites were to teach it  and base all judgements upon it (Deu:9-11)
Ezra 9.4: authority was exercised over all those who trembled
The law and the prophets had clear verbal and written authority

Does Jesus Christ have authority?
Matthew = King, our Emmanuel: Mark = Authority to announce good tidings (Mark 1.14-15): Luke = Spirit Filled Son of Man: John = Son of God imparting eternal life (John 5.24, John 11)
Voice from Heaven (Matt 17.5)
John 3.34: For he whom God hath sent, speaketh the words of God., For God giveth not the Spirit to him by measure
John 4: woman of Samaria “He told me everything I ever did”  (That prophet: Deut 18.15-18)

OT texts that originally applied to Jehovah are frequently applied to Christ (Phil 2.10, John 1.1)
Taught as one (Mark 1.22)
Not “thus saith the Lord”, but “I say unto you” (Matt 5). Never read “the word of the Lord came unto him”.  Verily, Verily…
Authority over nature, sickness, death (John 11 Lazarus), Authority over sin (Mark 2.5), over eternal life (John 10.28-29)
I am (Ex 12)  I am the way ,truth, life  l
God has given him all authority (John 17.2, Matt 28.18)

At pains to show, as Christ’s view of the OT scriptures (only scriptures around) is so important for us to be able to navigate through the pitfalls of many liberal ideas/conclusions.
We’ll be able to answer people who say:
-I only follow Jesus’ words. Any other writer (e.g Paul or OT) is secondary
-Books of Moses are not all literal (i.e Genesis) therefore accom evol. Compromise foundation
-I don’t study/preach the OT, its not important. Christ is the end

What was Christ’s attitude to the OT? Authoritative or not?
1)He took care to authenticate them (Matt 5.17-18) Not one jot ..will pass from the law till it be fulfilled.
2)Used them against opponents (Matt 4.4 It is written.., Mark 12.24 Sadd and Resurrec ques... ye do err not knowing the scriptures)
3)Repeated very words of biblical proph (Psalm 22.1, John 19:28-30
4)Based post resurrection teaching on Jewish Canon (Luke 24:27)
5)Final judgement will be on basis of scriptures (John 5.45-47 Moses wrote of me)
*So Christ’s view is all is inspired and therefore authoritative.
Christ affirmed the authority of the whole of scripture
John 10.34-35: BG Jerusalem feast of the dedication, claiming to give eternal life, the Jews about to stone.. v 34-35
(Is it not written in your law…)
An appeal to scripture as authority. Possess legal and divine authority.
Interestingly quoting Psalm 82.6. Hence legal authority to whole of scripture, not just Moses. Law =scriptures. 
Also his whole argument hinges on 1 word “gods”. Therefore one single word cannot be annulled then and the whole of scripture possesses this divine authority
It cannot be broken – scripture is absolute, indefectible and its authority cannot be annulled denied. Christ was referring to a body, not just the one psalm.

Christ affirmed the historicity
Christs references to these narratives, individuals, institutions and many other items authenticates the historicity.
Creation of man            Gen 5.2: Matt 19.4
Murder of Abel             Gen 4: Matt 23.35
The flood                       Gen 7: Luke17.27
Destruction of Sodom Gen 19: Luke 17.29
The commandments of the Law  Ex 20: Matt 19.18
David showbread                          1 Sam 21:Matt 12.3
Healing Naaman  Elisha              2Kings 5: Luke 4.27
Jonah’s                                          Jonah 3.5: Matt 12.41

Christ’s arguments in these passages depend upon their historicity, otherwise Christ was deceived. Also, if the history is not true then the lesson drawn loses its meaning and strength.

1)One must affirm the literal events and people of Genesis + or risk undermining the truthfulness and credibility the whole of the OT, NT and the gospel. Otherwise how do we decide what events are literal?
-Theistic evolutionists/gap theorist forfeit authority of the word – Puts death and suff before the fall.
-They contradict that scripture cannot be broken. They create the true disunity and disharmony of scripture. (Some well known even reformed preachers who are into this). Pride for many (intellectually afraid of unbelieving world).

What was the position of the apostles to the authority of scripture?
The apostles are unanimous in their attitutude toward scripture. Forthem, its is the very Word of God. Submitted to its authority. Old and New.
They held to plenary inspiration.
Holy Spirit prophesied using the mouth of David (Acts 1.16)
Moses on Sinai received living oracles, in order to transmit to us (Acts 7.38)
In quotations from scripture, the very words of the text are attributed to God himself (Isa 55.3)
Moses and the prophets stand for all the scripture (Luke 16.29)
The historicity of the biblical accounts were fully confirmed. Stephen (Acts 7), Paul (Acts 13)
Sermons: Half the sermons in Acts composed of verses taken from OT (Acts 2, Acts 13

Is the NT inspired?

They were the mouthpieces above all in writing and finishing the revelation of God. They were guided into all Truth (John 14.26, 16.13). 1 Thes 2.13. They had the words of God delivered to them.

What about the early Church fathers and us?
Servants of God throughout generations, being neither eye witnesses of the res or being holy penman have submitted to the revelation, being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets (Eph 2.20)
Consequently, the servants of God post the apostolic era have had a different authority (lesser in a sense). E.g Timothy though called upon to reprove and correct was primarily to “preach the word” (1 and 2 Tim). Hold fast the faithful “word”.
Titus 2.1: “Speak thou the things which become sound doctrine”. How do we know what’s sound apart from the scripture?
Are there any other sources of authority? special human decrees? Religious councils? Are they also authoritative?
2) Some argue (RC’s) that the Church is the guardian of the scriptures and can be rightly understood only as interpreted and explained by the clergy.
Boils down to who has more authority, Scriptures or Church?
-Bellarmine: Church has precedent over the scriptures because the church produced it and therefore has authority in successive years to interpret it.
-This is why other uninspired books added (1546 CoTrent) and other traditions, councils, pope
A) Scriptures pre-existed Church/church fathers/councils
B) Church was raised by the word (1 Pet 1.23)
C) Much of the NT is advice to guide the church
D) Rome depends on scripture to affirm her supremacy (self-defeating), erroneous nevertheless

In fact it’s the sovereign authority of the scriptures that shine through.
Other attacks against the authority of scripture
A) Dangers of charismaticism – God told me... They divorce personal exp from the authoritative word. Prove all things (1 Thes 5.21
E.g experiences of people dying and coming back – not authoritative. What saith the scripture.
E.g Dreams: Not authoritative today (Heb 1.1-2) God who at sundry times..
Any decrees of a religious community or deductions from experience of some individual could not be made into laws or there would usurping of authority. Scripture is complete
B) Inner light – dissociation of scripture from the illumination of the Spirit. Quakers 17th century.
inner light is the ultimate witness of the Spirit to the experience of the individual.
Some therefore minimised the role and authority of scripture.
Moreover, an “inspired” declaration of brother in the assembly was granted the same validity as the sacred text. We can see where this can lead.
Others try and live by experiencing the Holy Spirit and become preoccupied with gifts/prophecies. Descend into subjectivity.
C) Authority of religious or critical reason –
Scripture “contains” the word of God: subtle change but mutilation and severe weakening!
Some say, today we can longer be dogmatic about a doctrine by simply saying “it is written”. Its impossible to do this Critical reason must be applied.
The reader must by means of “religious conscience” decide what is true in the text. Man is final arbiter in effect and becomes the accepted authority.
E.g Dr MLJ recalls reading an article where a liberal writer is dealing with a story from the book of Daniel and writes “We do not think it matters a great deal whether this story is literally true, or a splendid parable. Typical
E.g Bultmann – Take out all myths and legends
People must then consult the theologians for a final answer. What if 1 changes mind?
D) Atheistic rationalism – God as our Creator has every right to us. Man shrugs off God but chooses another authority- himself (own whims/fancies/desires). Stubborn resistance. Loves the creature more than Creator (Rom 1.25)
Be careful about this kind of spirit entering in. Some forms: My opinions/desires/tastes are elevated in authority and not affected by the fall when it comes to the kind of music used in worship instead of asking what saith the scripture. Any principles?
E) Science: Fear of not appearing scientific enough causes many to compromise and abandon authority of scripture.
Science which changes its minds constantly and never arrives at complete Truth because it is always changing. E.g Vestigial organs. Science, modern knowledge or learning can never be attributed an authority it does not have.

The fruits of the authority of scripture
1) Freedom: Unconditional return to the sovereign authority of scripture freed many from the superstitions and deceit of earlier centuries. The reformers were the ones who went back to scripture alone and the whole scripture. Today it frees us from the grave subjectivity and superstitions
2) Sanctifying influence of the scriptures through conviction (John 17.3)
3) Authority in the Gospel we preach (Heb 4.12). Not sharing but proclaiming (Rom 1.16 For I am not ashamed..)
4) Dispels doubts – Reliable (Psalm 19.7) Testimony of the LORD is sure..   1 John 5.13  These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God: that ye may know that ye have eternal life.
5) Comfort/encouragement as sure promises (1 Thess 4.18, believers in death, 2 Peter 1.4 exceeding precious promises, John 5.24, John 6.37 In no wise cast out ,47)

-What underpins the authority of scripture: Inspired of God
-Authority of Jesus Christ
-How Israel, Christ, apostles and early church viewed the OT scripture
-Erroneous views of scripture: Church higher, Evolutionistic thinking, Inner light
-Fruits of a correct view

Further reading
The inspiration and authority of scripture: Rene Pache
A biblical case for total inerrancy: Robert Lightner
The inspiration of scripture: A.W Pink


July 10th: What Is the Church?


June 19th: The Lord’s Day