April 2nd: Jehovah’s Witnesses

Speaker: Robert Aboagye

The most well-known of the Western cults, the Watchtower Society beguiles many seeking souls. A review of its beliefs and practices.

Reading: Gal 1:1-12
: party, movement that grows within the Church, deviant errors
(Doctrines are always interconnected, but we refer to heresies concerning single issues / doctrines)
False religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc
Cults: “Pinching a brand name” – false religion in the name of Christianity
Sadly, JW’s – seen by many as a branch of Christianity

Important: Why does God allow cults and heresies to abound in professing Church??
Aside from it revealing the sinfulness of the heart of Man – our proneness to reject Light, and to instead cleave to darkness – heresies and false teachers actually bring the best out of the true Church:
·         We are forced to re-examine, consider in detail, and minutely set out our doctrinal standpoint.
·         Error forces us to understand the details of our faith: What exactly does the Word of God say.

1.       Deny at least one central doctrine of the Christian faith
2.       Reduce authority & sufficiency of scripture
3.       A dogmatic leadership structure & followers have an unfailing belief in the organisation
We could possibly also add isolation & encouragement to isolation. Members & recruits separated from influences which may cause them to change / challenge the Group’s thinking, and there is a very exclusivist mentality. But in reality, this often works to be as a form of control and/or “brainwashing”.
Consider the following quote from Watchtower literature: "Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it." (The Watchtower, February 15, 1983, p. 12)

·         In 2018, 8 million active members / 20 million attending (but truth is carefully hidden)
·         120,000 churches / kingdom halls
·         Assets worth $millions in Brooklyn, New York (and globally too)
·         They claim 2 billion hours per year of door-to door & individual “Bible study activity”

Best known for door-2-door work & nowadays outside stations, bus-stops, etc
10 hrs/month is necessary for kingdom hall membership
Responsible for “closure” of university halls of residence to evangelistic work
·         Publish ‘Awake’ (how to live) & ‘The Watchtower’ (world events) magazines
WTB&TS prints over 15 million copies of its magazines every week into 120 languages
·         Produced New World Translation (NWT) of Bible – very literal, but subtly changed
Scholars say – “Weak translation, by people within insufficient knowledge”
First published 1961 (N.T. in 1950); then revised in 1984 and 2013
The word Jehovah inserted +250 times
Distorts the Deity of Christ
John 1.1 (KJV) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God
John 1.1 (NWT) In the beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was A god
John 8.58 (KJV) Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
John 8.58 (NWT) Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, Before Abraham came into existence, I HAVE BEEN.”
Zech 12:10 Jehovah God is speaking and says, "they shall look upon me whom they have pierced" (understood by Christians as a predictive reference to the crucifixion). NWT reads "they will certainly look TO THE One WHOM they pierced through”

·         They claim that Abel was the first JW – and claim they are oldest church!
·         US Baptist lay preacher, William Miller, predicted the return of Christ 1843/44. Commencement of several Adventist groups looking for the (Premillenial) Millenial reign of Christ on earth to commence.
o   Miller’s prophecies failed, which led to so-called Great Disappointment of 1844
o   Followers include James & Ellen White went on to found Seventh Day Adventist
o   International Bible Students Association was formed by Charles Taze Russell (age 21), around the time of the American Civil War (1861-65)
o   Russell became Assistant Editor of ‘Herald of the Morning’, financed by Nelson H. Barbour.

1879 – Started Zion’s Watchtower & Herald of Christ’s Presence publication, stealing mailing list from Barbour
·         5 years later – started bible studies & 30+ churches; then formed the WTB&TS organisation
·         As a teenager he had rejected his Presbyterian roots; later joined a more liberal Congregational Church. He denied the deity of Christ and the biblical teachings on Hell and eternal punishment
People were drawn to Russell’s sensational End Time predictions. In spite of his lack of formal training in theology or biblical languages, Russell claimed to be the only one with the truth, and he vigorously condemned all other Christian groupings. As a result, ministers of various denominations began exposing Russell's false teachings and questionable character – with instances of perjury / lying in court and fraud

Initially a relatively small distance from orthodox Christianity, but, as Scripture says, ‘wax worse and worse’
·         Russell saw himself as the messenger mentioned in the letter to the Laodiceans:
Rev 3.14‘the faithful and true witness’ & also ‘faithful & wise servant’ of Matt 24.45 (a teaching / designation which was later transferred to the whole organisation)
·         Taught that the only way to escape the impending judgment and destruction was to join the WTB&TS
·         Predictions about the end of the world, end of Armageddon and Christ taking power in 1914 – which are always changed / reinterpreted
o   Russell worked out some dates by Egyptian pyramid calculations (based on view that Great Pyramid of Giza was built by Jehovah Himself) Some charge the entire JW edifice with occult links

Next leader Joseph ‘Judge’ Rutherford (ignored Russell’s succession instructions and engineered his own)
·         A breakaway group who still held to Russell’s specialness are called Russellites
·         1931 – First called themselves JW’s, based upon: Isaiah 43:10‘Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, & my servant whom I have chosen…’
They believe that God set up the Watchtower Society to be His visible witnesses on the earth
·         Rutherford had prophecies – 1925: His famous “millions now living will never die” –  the commencement of earthly resurrection of the saints
·         They has falsely prophesied the End Times events at least 6 times: 1975 was mean to be Armageddon; 1988 was also a further date. The Watchtower Magazine of May 15, 1995 appeals to Psa 97:11 and Prov 4:18 as justification for past errors and subsequent newer doctrines. NWT Psa 97:11 reads: Light itself has flashed up for the righteous one, and rejoicing even for the one upright in heart.
The WTS interprets this to mean that they regularly receive "flashes of light" from Jehovah (so elements of truth, but not the whole).
Under the leadership of Nathan H. Knorr (1905-1977), the WTB&TS put away date setting for a time and switched to a different strategy. Since many of their teachings are easily refuted by key verses in the KJV Bible,
Knorr set out to publish a different Bible for Jehovah's Witnesses to use.

1.       Refer to God (the Father) as Jehovah (1st feature of a cult...) Psalm 23.1 - ‘Jehovah is my shepherd’ (NWT)
-      Adaptation of Hebrew word ‘YHWH’, in place of theos (God) & kurios (Lord)
-       Attempt to shift emphasis off Jesus Christ as God
-       Deny Holy Spirit is a person, and instead teach he is merely God's active force – like electricity
(Disregard all texts for His personality, e.g. Where blasphemed (Matt 12:32) or lied to (Acts 5:3).
-       No Trinity. Even calling it doctrine of Satan.

2.       Jesus is/was merely a ‘spirit person’ or angel (1st feature...)
-       Created by God. John 1.1 – not God, but a god. Misinterpret Col 1:15’s ‘firstborn of all creation’.
-       He first existed as Michael the archangel (based on Dan 10:13)
-       His resurrection was spiritual rather than physical (misread 1Cor 15 and contradicting Luke 24:39)
-       Now in Heaven he is again known as Michael the archangel

3.       Justification by Faith plus works (1st feature...)
-       WTB&TS teaches that salvation will "depend on one's works." A person must first "come to Jehovah's organisation for salvation" and then comply with everything they teach.
-       English words exercise, exercising, exercised, exercises added in NWT with no basis in the Greek text
Gal 3.22 (KJV) - But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe
Gal 3.22 (NWT) - But the Scripture delivered up all things together to the custody of sin, that the promise resulting from faith toward Jesus Christ might be given to those exercising faith.
-       View on the Atonement incorrectly focuses on Christ’s perfect life atoning for Adam’s soiled life; instead of Christ paying equivalent eternal punishment.

4.       At death the soul of man dies - i.e. the dead are non-existent - no hell. (1st feature...)
At the resurrection a new, duplicate copy is made. The Greek word kolasis is translated ‘cutting-off’ instead of “punishment” to support their belief in annihilation & the rejection of an eternal place of torment called hell.
(Russell could not reconcile a God of grace with “dishonourable” eternal punishment)

5.       Only 144,000 redeemed will go to Heaven: others merely inherit a glorified earth.
(All ‘the privileged were baptised believers before 1935’.) 2nd feature...
-       Only an elite group of Witnesses, known as "the 144,000," or the "anointed ones" are presently credited with Christ's righteousness, and expect to reign with Christ in heaven.
-       For the vast majority of remaining Jehovah's Witnesses, known as the "other sheep" or the "great crowd", the atoning sacrifice of Christ only provides a chance at eternal life on earth
-       They even assign O.T. saints only to earthly paradise – not Heaven

6.       Believe that all non-JWs will be destroyed at Armageddon...

7.       Celebrate the Lord’s supper once per year (referred to as Memorial).
-       Normally no-one participates unless one of 144k present.

8.       World was created 46,000 BC – 7,000 years for each day of creation

9.       No military service; traditionally no voting; no Christmas (October) or Easter; no celebration of birthdays (NB: Recent tracts suggest some do) 3rd feature...

10.   No acceptance of Blood Transfusion. Acceptance of Blood Tx results in ‘shunning, or disfellowshipping’. 3rd feature...

11.   Unfailing belief in the organisation & leadership! – Organisation is God’s mouthpiece, a form of idolatry. God is father, organisation is mother... 3rd feature...
-       Nothing is interpreted but the interpretation comes from God and is then published. (WT 1943 July 1 pp. 202-203)
-       Angels deliver what is published. (PREPARATION 1933 pp. 36-37, 64)
-       "To it (this organization) alone...the Bible is not a sealed book." The WTS is "the only organization on earth that understands the 'deep things of God.' " (WT 1973 July 1 p. 402)
-       The leaders are "spirit directed" (WT 1988 March 1 p. 10)   and "God's channel."  (WT 1969 January 15 p. 51; 1960 July 15 pp. 439, 442)
-       C. T. Russell founder of the WTS, called himself "God's mouthpiece" (WT 1906 July 15 p. 229); claimed that compared to reading his books Bible reading is "a waste of time" (WT 1910 September 15 p. 298), and that his books "harmonize...every statement in the Bible." (DIVINE PLAN OF THE AGES 1886 p.348)

·         Recently - Major shift of direction recent years
·         No longer prophecy, doctrine or growth – but creation of a new image
·         More emphasis on Jesus. An attempt to be more mainstream. (Though worship (not [bowing]) to Christ has been banned since 1954.)
·         Still refuse blood transfusions
-       Although even attempts to mislead European Commission of Human Rights investigations

·         Can be very difficult: They are programmed not to listen. Sometimes aggressive.
·         Avoid Bible ping-pong
·         They are (well) trained / drilled for speaking to Christians. They come to conversations with a game plan and texts (which they, of course, twist context). JWs are allowed to guide witnessing conversations to appear to be agreeing with you
·         Great website: www.4jehovah.org (also in Spanish / Portuguese / Twi / etc)
·         David Reed (ex JW elder) gives good insight… Came to School of Theology in 2015
·         Recommended book: ‘Reasoning from the Scriptures with JWs’ Ron Rhodes. Some technical aspects from the Greek and so on, but well laid out

Some questions you could ask:

  1. How righteous do you have to be for Jesus Christ’s free grace to save you?

  2. How do you get saved? On the basis / merits of who or what? Followed by: Does your Saviour have the rights and perfection to do the saving which you ascribe to Him?

  3. Do you believe Jesus Christ actually rose from the dead?

  4. Why are so many of God’s Old Testament attributes ascribed to Christ in the N.T. –

“I Am”, Alpha & Omega, Judge, Redeemer, Creator, Forgiver of sins, etc.

  1. Do you base your teachings on revelations other than the Bible? How much do you read it – and I am not speaking of commentaries?

  2. Were there any real Christians / saved people before the Watchtower Society came into being? (W.r.t. teaching that only Watchtower can correctly interpret Scripture.)

  3. How do you feel about C.T. Russell’s various prophetic errors? Followed by: What is difference between false prophet and those gaining more light?


April 23rd: The Fall of Man


March 26th: Gambling