November 28th: Assurance
Speaker: Pastor Ibrahim Ag Mohamed
The Baptist Confession tells us we “may in this life be certainly assured”. How assurance is obtained and maintained.
2 Pet.1.1-11: Assurance (see BCF chap.19, para 1): God gives a measure of assurance to every believer at conversion, but there is a difference between assurance and presumption. Assurance is a doctrine of humility.
Definition: Assurance is the doctrine by which a justified sinner (born-again and adopted) does know that he is a child of God and is aware of God’s love in his life. He is sure of His Person, His word, His promises, plan, purpose and truths. Assurance is objective, but feelings are unreliable (2 Cor.5.7).
1 John is the piece in the Bible written so that we may joyfully know the Lord (1 Jn.1.4). ‘To know’ is the silver thread that runs throughout the letter. We believe in the testimony given by God about His Son (1 Jn.5.9-11).
- Salvation being a free gift, I can know if I have received it or not.
- God gives faith, hope and love.
- Saving faith is different from prevailing assurance. Assurance can be revived.
What assurance is not
1. It doesn’t mean a Christian will not succumb to sin or will have no doubt.
2. Assurance doesn’t exempt us our spiritual duties
3. Assurance is never a licence. God saves us to make us holy.
What about those who have shown fruits of salvation and have fallen away (different from a backslider)?
None was ever saved is the answer (1 Jn. 2.19; Mt.7.21-22).
Faith and assurance are two distinct matters, yet inseparable. Christ prayed for our assurance and protection (Jn.17.19; Heb.7.25; 1 Pet.1.5).
How do we know? Here are some ingredients for assurance (and for self-examination).
1. Trusting in J.C.: Have I believed on the LORD? (Acts.16.31). Not just as a Saviour but as Lord. Our faith is based on solid facts (1 Cor.15.1-4; 1 Jn. 5.11, 14). Assurance is the fruit of faith. Continue in the faith (Acts 14.22; 1 Tim.2.15).
2. Assurance comes by doing (not by waiting to feel): The new life must express itself (1Jn.3.7-14; Phil. 2.12-13; 2 Pet.1.10). Make your election sure.
3. Inward evidence: There is an inner work done by God in us (1 Jn.2.3-5, 24-25). The H.S seals us at conversion and dwells in us (Rom.5.2; 8.15-16; Eph. 1.13-14). The H.S tells us how to call God (1 Jn.4.13).
4. The Word of God (1 Jn.5.13): The Word is everything (not miracles or feelings). The blood of Christ secures us but the Word of God assures us. Salvation comes from the Cross but assurance comes from the Word.
5. Prayer (1 Tim.5.5; Heb.4.16; 10.22; Jn.16.24): When I pray, I experience His nearness as a Father (Luke 11.13). Prayer is the native tongue of faith (Lk.11.13; 18.1; 1 Thess.5.17). Sin, prayerlessness, poor discipline, and an unthankful heart are enemies of assurance.
6. Keep holy ffellowship: Separation from the world, from sin, from ungodly friends and false teachers.
7. Chastisement (Heb.12.5-6):
8. Through the Church and ordinances: ‘Do this in remembrance of me’, Christ said. I also want to be baptised in obedience to the Lord. To be identified with Him.
9. Self-examination (Ps.77.4 Ps.139.23-24). Review daily every department of your life (1 Jn. 3.9-10).
10. Loved by the Lord, we also love the brethren (1 Jn. 3.8-10, 14, 16, 23; 4.7).
11. Obedience (James 2.25-26; 1 Jn. 4.15).
12. God works (of compassion, of service, witness)
13. Think of Heaven (your eternal abode)
Also see the 7 pillars of assurance mentioned in 2 Pet. 1.5-11 (cf. Rom. 8.37).