March 26th: Gambling

Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll

Fourteen reasons why believers should not be involved with any form of gambling.

Phil 4:1-13
·         1566 – 1st Lottery to rebuild ports & support war efforts – QE1
·         Also Great Wall of China financed by Lottery money in about 200BC (Han dynasty)
William Wilberforce – Politicians effusive in their praise for his opposition to slave trade. Not so keen to remind us that in 1817 he described National Lottery as “national sin” that needed to be “rooted out”; campaigned & brought it to an end in 1826.
·         Gambling is now commonplace – casinos, spread-betting, then match-fixing…
·         Includes betting, lottery (1994), sweepstakes, raffles, many arcade games, bingo…
·         Even at primary schools – seems to be the only way to raise money!
·         Involves all sectors of society – The Queen (“Sport of Kings”)… to the poorest person
·         I’m told in the Middle East, men sit by road & gamble on colour of next car…

We must know the reasons – to explain to believers, & unbelievers.
·         If you just reluctantly take part, you may win… then what?

Is it really wrong? Or just a bit of fun…
·         Superficial view, ‘Not specifically condemned in the Bible’
·         “Not covered by 10 commandments, Sermon on Mount, No words of Christ”
·         Part of evangelical collapse/compromise – now even used by churches
·         Lottery funding of the building project – Cleaning of the outside of Tab? Never

How would you explain to a young believer the reasons why?

1.     It is against the 1st Commandment
·         Thou shalt have no other gods before me’ (Lit. in my sight)
·         Gambling is often seen as a provider, & desperately relied upon
·         Powerfully addictive pleasure, & becomes a Master
·         ‘No servant can have 2 masters’, & ‘Ye cannot serve God & mammon’
·         It is the opposite of Faith in God, for it is faith in chance

2.     It is against the 8th Commandment (Stealing)
·         A subtle form of theft by fraud
·         The gambler surely must know that most will lose so that a few may gain
·         Only possible where people are deceived about the chances of winning
Illus: Those really simple TV Quizzes that cost £1 to enter to win £1,000 or a holiday
Lev 19.13 – ‘Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning.’
·         Important principle even in the latter part of the verse
Mark 10.19 – ‘Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father & mother’
·         NB. It’s often described as a ‘tax on the poor’…

3.     It is against the 10th Commandment
·         ‘Thou shalt not covet… anything that is thy neighbour’s’
·         Desire for More; envy, & covetous dreaming are the commonest motives
·         It is wrong to gain at the expense of another’s loss & misfortune

4.     It ‘s an attempt to defy the creation ordinance ‘that we must work for our living’
·         There is a few ways to get wealth/money – Earn it, Given/Inherit it, Or Steal/Win
·         God commands honest labour

Gen 2.15‘to dress it & to keep to it’
·         This was imposed after the fall
Eph 4.28 – ‘Let him that stole, steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth’
1 Thess 4.11 – ‘& that ye study to be quiet, & to do your own business, & to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;’

5.     Gambling in scripture, is an ‘Opposite Vice’
·         It is the opposite of trusting in the Providence & Sovereignty of God
·         The gambler believes & trusts in chance, luck, ‘law of averages’
·         Cf. the believer that trusts in God, prays & will be heard. Can we pray to God to bless gambling? – we cannot bring it to Him
Phil 4.6‘Be careful for (anxious about) nothing; but in every thing by prayer & supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God’

6.     No example in scripture where Gambling is seen as acceptable
·         Cf. casting of lots – Many examples, e.g. Jonah – sailors superstition
·         A very common vice in Bible times – yet never a reasonable activity
·         An act of humiliation that ‘set at nought’ the Saviour
·         The gamblers (soldiers) had no shame, no deeper feelings
·         Gambling epitomised the selfishness, self-interest & insensitivity of the soldiers
·         Can believers indulge in activities that in the NT were insults to Christ?
But what about Acts 1.26?‘And they gave forth their lots; & the lot fell upon Mathias; & he was numbered with the eleven disciples.’
·         Last occasion in the NT when this method ‘of guidance’ was used
·         No other instruction to use it, but now we have other ways to seek God’s will
·         ‘God’s will is now fully revealed’ in his Word

7.     It is against the duty of ‘Christian contentedness’
·         Often, English/British people are not happy unless they are complaining! but…
Illus: (from the Late Vernon Higham) – Discussion about a wealthy person who died. ‘How much did they leave?’ ‘Everything’ (One day, all will be dissolved2 Peter 3.11)
Hebrews 13.5 - ‘Let your conversation (Lit: manner/character) be without covetousness; & be content with such things as ye have’
Phil 4.11 - ‘I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, to be content.’
1 Tim 6.6,7 - ‘But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, & it is certain we can carry nothing out’

8.     Gambling is against the duty of ‘careful stewardship of our money’
1 in 14 million chance of lottery win vs. annual 1 in ½ million chance of being murdered
·         Mathematical fact: The overwhelming majority of Gamblers lose
·         But for the Christian it is the Lord’s money, not ours
·         It may deprive our family, or the Lord’s work of support which is much more worthy

9.     It is against the NT rule for a Christian’s legitimate activities
1 Corinthians 6.12
‘All things are not expedient’ (profitable/beneficial)
·         Costly, time-consuming & weakening

10.  It is against the ‘addiction or domination’ rule
·         Many gamble for excitement, & the tension of uncertainty
·         Many come under the power of the vain hope that a win will solve all their problems – highly addictive 

11.  It is against other commands

1 Corinthians 10.31 - ‘…Whatsoever ye do, do all for the glory of God’
·         In the league of the ungodly
·         An activity which inflicts misery & loss world-wide

12.  It is against Phil 4.8
·         Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, & if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, & received, & heard, & seen in me, do.
·         Is it true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report?

13.  It is against Christian openness & sincerity
·         It usually has to be kept in secret, & is seldom admitted to
·         Powerfully addictive pleasure

14.  It is against the Christian duty of example
·         Remember we are being watched…
·         Important to abstain from all forms of gambling – however mild

See how the Word of God is Sufficient & can answer our every need




April 2nd: Jehovah’s Witnesses


March 19th: William Wilberforce