February 26th: Tongues Speaking

Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll

Today’s ‘glossolalia’ bears no resemblance to the tongues speaking of the New Testament. This study explains its unique purpose, and answers the questions that perplex many.

Important for a number of reasons
1.     At college, workplace we often meet charismatics
2.     We may also have to interact with charismatic visitors to the Tab – need to interact in an informed & sensitive way
3.     To help people who’ve left charismatic circles; comes with (or sign of) ‘Baptism in the Spirit’
4.     It can be a divisive issue within churches

Study simplifies the issue, because it is only mentioned in Acts 2,10/11 & 19, & 1 Cor 12-14 (& also Mark 16.17). 3 recorded instances & 1 Cor the only instruction for believers.
What do we know about the tongues speaking of the Bible? Let’s ask some Q’s

1.     How is the word ‘tongue’ used? – Mainly Glossa (24 times) & rarely dialektos (5)
·         Glossa – known human language/dialect
Romans 14.11‘& every tongue shall confess to God’ (being used figuratively)
·         Or refers to the organ – ‘bridle the tongue’
Some say today:Yes it was a language in Acts 2 but… thereafter something different…’
·         Not a ‘private prayer language’. 2 Quotes from p36 of ‘The Final Word’

2.     What kind of language?
Acts 2.4-11
·         Real foreign languages (foreign to disciples & Jews)
·         Ability to speak/preach in a language not learned
Illus: Every student dreams of being able to learn electronically…
Acts 2.9 – Includes Judean – Ordinarily Galilean accent gave them away
·         Spoke like the natives - It was Intelligible!
Acts 2.11 - The people at Pentecost heard ‘the wonderful works of God’
·         Paul insists in 1 Cor 14 that the aim was to edify (build up) others
·         Not ecstatic, unintelligible language

But some people still claim it is ‘Angelic speech/language’…?
Some say Angelic: 1 Cor 13.1 – ‘Though I speak with the tongues of men & of angels’. But ‘though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains…’ Hyperbole & exaggeration i.e. Even if I could do the impossible & speak all languages, it would be in vain if I have not charity…
·         Some think Paul is referring to 2 false gods of Cybele & Dionysius – worshipped by speaking in tongues with clanging cymbals, smashing gongs & blaring trumpets…
B) They use 1 Cor 14.2 as a proof that it’s a language to speak to God… Actually it’s the opposite. & 14.4, But tongues, to be of value, need to be interpreted… Paul is speaking about the mistake of failing to translate
·         1 Cor 14.2 - ‘Mysteries’ – 28 times in NT. Always means…revealed truths
Romans 16.25,26
‘according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, but is now made manifest, …& made known to all nations…’
Ephesians 1.9‘Having made known unto us the mystery of his will,’  [also Eph 3.3&9]
Some today claim their tongue is a real language – but rarely does anyone hear their language being spoken by a tongues speaker - So today’s ‘gift of tongues’ is very different

3.     There was tongues speaking in Corinth; was it the same as in Acts? - Yes
·         Charismatics often claim that tongues are different today
·         Same figurative terms used; Luke & Paul were close companions
1 Cor 12.28 - ‘& God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues’
Then Paul goes on in 1 Cor 13 to speak about the misuse of tongues…
  Placed at end of list, but not mentioned in :
Romans 12 – mentions prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, ruling
Eph 4.11‘& he gave some, apostles; & some, prophets; & some, evangelists; & some, pastors & teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry…

4.     Was tongues speaking widespread in the early church? - No
·         Remember similar to ‘healing’; very few healed in Acts – it was a ‘Sign of the Apostles’
Very few examples in NT of tongues speaking – 3 occasions:-
i. Acts 2 – Pentecost
ii. Acts 10.46 - Repeat of Pentecost – now on the Gentiles
    Acts 11.15-16 - Peter reports to Jerusalem ‘as at the beginning…’
·         His words suggest a first repeat of Pentecost
iii. Acts 19.6 - John’s disciples found by Paul in Ephesus
Read 1 Cor 12.29-31 – Few apostles, prophets & teachers. ‘…do all speak with tongues?…’

5.     Was the tongues speaker in control? - Yes
·         Inspired by HS - overwhelmed, mouthpiece of God? (cf. today’s tongues speakers)
1 Cor 14.32‘& the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets…’
1 Cor 14.27,28‘If there is no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church’
·         Never in Bible is intelligent ‘mind control’ to be relinquished – sound mind

6.     Could the tongues speaker understand what he was saying? - Yes
1 Cor 14.15
·         A) Everything we do must be done with understanding. Never do anything you don’t understand
1 Cor 14.4
·         B) The disciples preached to others – they preached. God gave them the gift of grasping a new language. Also speaking the ‘mystery’ – the ‘now revealed will of God’

7.     What was the purpose of tongues?
·         Was it to help spread the Gospel? Not primarily – people spoke Greek &/or Hebrew
·         Peter was subsequently able to preach to everybody in one language
·         Paul travelled to the Roman world, speaking Greek, & writing letters in Greek

There were 3 Main Purposes:
A.     Then a message/revelation. The Scripture was not complete…
B.     Disciples were mute & fearful ® impelled them to speak to all, & give them power to proclaim to the entire world
C.    But Primarily a sign, Peter explains (Acts 2.16-18) – ‘This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel... I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh’

Read Joel 2.28-32 – is this really referring to Pentecost? Yes
·         Where were there wonders in heavens & signs on earth?
·         Blood & fire and vapours of smoke?
·         Did the sun turn to darkness & the moon to blood?

 John MacArthur won’t help too much since he has a pre-millenial view, but more simply…
·         In part by the death of Christ
·         + Possibly by the destruction of Jerusalem – type & figure of general judgement
·         + Picture of the gospel age & the coming judgement at the end of it
Matthew Henry‘The judgements of God upon a sinful world, & the frequent destruction of kingdoms by fire & sword, are prefaces to the judgement of the world in that last day’
Then, Verse 21 speaks of the safety & happiness of all true believers. Easy symbolism
·         Whosoever!
·         Just call (man’s responsibility)!
·         Whom the Lord shall call (election)

8.     Was the gift temporary or permanent? Temporary
1 Cor 12.28-30
·         List of gifts – some temporary & some permanent
·         Apostles & prophets laid the foundations, & then ceased
·         Tongues marked the start of a new era – a sign for the Jews
·         The sign miracles have done their work & they’re now retired/redundant

Summary comparison of tongues of the Bible & tongues today

Early Church:
Unique to Early Church/ Understandable to speaker/ Real languages/ From mind of tongues speaker/ Very few/ Temporary/ Given by Holy Spirit/ Unique sign, never been repeated/ Rare, always amazing/ For edifying the church

Ubiquitous in many religions/ Unintelligible / Mysterious language/ Claimed ‘Ecstatic utterance’/ Widespread/ Permanent/ Induced or learned/ Not distinctive/ Everyday occurrence/ For personal experience

·         We don’t have visible phenomena today – but we do have Conversion, Sanctification & Preservation
·         Tongues remind us that the gospel is for everybody
·         Mercy is for all – no-one excluded


March 12th: Independency


February 19th: Cessationism