December 8th: Should Christians Drink?

Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll

Are alcoholic drinks right or wrong for a believer? Didn’t believers drink wine in Bible times? The Bible’s arguments are examined with the prevailing worldliness in mind.

1 Cor 6.9-20
·         Temperance/Abstinence always used to be the position – views are changing
·         Used to be a requirement for church membership
·         We don’t have an Evangelical List (anymore) – why?
·         Activities can move from ‘good’ to ‘bad’ - War is just in defence, evil if aggressive
Joshua’s Conquest - Was not war right for the Israelites? Is it not right for Christians?
·         Foolish argument – Yet some use it
·         “Christians who abstain are contradicting the Bible!”
Food laws - Deut 14.26 - ‘And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth…’

Activities can change category
·         You might argue, “The ancient Israelites were told to use weaponry, thus is there no such thing as evil weapons?’”
·         But most humans regard chemical/biological weapons, suicide bombing as ugly & evil
Human weaponry/war tactics have changed!
Another example is Slavery
·         Permitted as a pragmatic expediency; lesser of 2 evils – ‘support in bankruptcy’
·         Associated with very strict rules - forbidding sale, release after 6 years & no kidnapping
·         Two centuries ago some Christians argued for slavery; now clearly wrong
Another example is Dancing
·         Something that was good (tolerable/tolerated), but has become evil
·         The Hebrew cultural/ceremonial dance was not necessarily ‘intrinsically evil’
·         Modern dance is sensual & sexually arousing – ‘even primetime TV for the young…’

Some Lists, not all subjects covered because we’re given PRINCIPLES to live by
·         School teaches - ‘Learn (by rote) nothing, understand (the principles of) everything!’
·         Principles by which we judge all things in our own age & time
·         Firstly, we ask if the activity is moral & conforms to the 10 commandments (e.g. abortion)

What about things that seem morally acceptable?
1 Cor 6.12
– ‘All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any’

The 3 tests – Guidance for all activities (esp. leisure)
1.   Is the thing expedient?
Is it advantageous, or profitable? Does it contribute to, & assist/strengthen me?
Does it help me in my personal crusade against sin? In promoting holy living?
Or will it weaken, compromise me, & place me in temptation?
Will it help or detract from stewardship (of time & money)?

2.   Can this thing bring me under its power?
Is it something that could control me? Is it something that might become an idol?
Could it devour my attention, desire & zeal for Christ?
Might it involve me in compromise & sin?

3.   Does the thing edify & build me up?
Will it improve my character & knowledge?
Does it fit you for the Lord’s service? – 1 Cor 10.31 ‘Do all for God’s glory’
Phil 4.4‘Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true… honest… just… pure… lovely… of good report…if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things’

Wine - Possibly ‘beneficial’ in OT, but grossly harmful/evil in recent centuries
·         Tidal wave of human tragedy, misery; wrecking lives, families, careers
·         Is there any bigger evil in society? The cost to society is massive
·         Associated with most child-abuse, road deaths, most crimes, most murders
·         Many hospital admissions? - The Liver Failure Unit @ Kings, the ICU @ St T Hosp
·         Recent Royal College of Physicians report, esp. now with uncontrolled opening hours
A massive world-wide industry
·         A powerful, psycho-active, mood-affecting, addictive drug
·         Is it good, profitable & beneficial? Or is it unnecessary, harmful & enslaving?
·         So… Has wine changed category? Have the dangers changed?

 What’s different now compared with Bible times?
1. Alcoholic drinks of the Bible were very weak compared with today
·         Fermented for a few days only, inadequate anaerobic fermentation, ?2-5%
·         13 times the Bible mentions (Judges 13 etc) - ‘wine, & strong drink’
·         Distillation (concentration) only became widespread in 1200 AD ?in China or Italy
·         Wine was diluted (6-20:1) Greeks thought ‘barbarian’ those who didn’t dilute

Song of Solomon 5.1 – …I have drunk my wine with my milk…
Isa 55.1Come, buy wine & milk without money & without price
Prov 23.30They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine
Rev 14.10The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture… Used as a simile of God’s wrath

2. Social framework was very different from today
·         It was a sanitary beverage – no reliable clean/filtered water. London water is very pure
·         Occasionally wine was prescribed as a medicinal aid, or in death
Prov 31.6‘Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, & wine unto those that be of a heavy heart’
·         But even then drunkenness abhorred
·         Princes were abstainers – they had responsibilities & duty of example
Prov 31.4,5‘It is not for Kings,…’
Prov 23.20 – ‘Be not among winebibbers…’
·         Now – heavy drinkers respected (Short of killing someone at the wheel), but others who abstain are feeble/weak. ‘University initiation challenges’
·         Massive budgets – Supermarkets @ Christmas are full. Society has changed.

3. Supplies of wine were limited
·         Wine was not plentiful; no established industry
·         Wine @ Cana had run out – 4 months before next harvest

Other important NT texts
1 Tim 5.23
– ‘Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake & thine often infirmities’. Tim was clearly an abstainer & he was an imitator of Paul
1 Thess 5.6-8
Let us watch & be sober. A whole family of texts.
12 times ‘Sober used in NT – 6 times – Disciplined, sanity, self-control, sound mind. 6 times - Abstain from wine
Rom 13.13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting & drunkenness, not in chambering & wantoness, not in strife & envying…’ Life in the two Kingdoms
Rom 14.21
– ‘It is good neither to eat flesh, nor drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth.’ Liberty & Conscience & The duty of example.
·         No ‘wine’ in the Lord’s supper
·         The NT ‘list’ texts

Consider carefully. Know the reasons/argument behind the view held.
Conclusion: Verse 11,12 & Last 2 verses of reading 1 Cor 6: 9-20.            


December 15th: Repentance and Salvation


December 1st: Why Baptism Is Not for Infants