The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith is
the Tabernacle’s doctrinal standard.
Doctrine Classes cover the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, contemporary issues and other topics of particular importance.
As an independent reformed Baptist church, the Tabernacle teaches the doctrines of grace and the free offer of the Gospel. It adheres strongly to traditional worship, teaches separation from worldliness and emphasises the working church concept.
The second pastor, Benjamin Keach, was a co-signatory of the 1689 confession which has remained the church’s statement of faith ever since. CH Spurgeon encouraged all the younger people in the Tabernacle to read it, their first ‘systematic theology in short compass’. It remains a basis for peace and unity among the church members, and today we ask all who join the Tabernacle to become familiar with it.
Doctrine Class gives an overview of the Confession, together with other topics, in two years.
Video recordings of lessons are posted after the classes.
2nd June: Hypercalvinism and the Gospel Offer
Speaker: Chris Laws
Misunderstanding the magnificent doctrines of grace has historically undermined the conviction of Paul, expressed in 1 Corinthians 9.16: “Woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel”. How did – and do – whole church groups find justification for themselves to neither preach the Gospel nor to engage in witnessing?
26th May: The Lord’s Day
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Large numbers of evangelical churches nowadays only hold one Sunday service. The 4th commandment stands out as unique, and yet has long since been abandoned. Here are the reasons why God’s people must dedicate this day to their Lord, and the activities that should fill it.
19th May: Revivals
Speaker: Chris Laws
A survey of the great awakenings recorded in Scripture and Church history.
May 5th: What Is Cultural?
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Some commands in the New Testament, such as washing one another’s feet, or greeting one another with a holy kiss, have traditionally been interpreted as cultural. In such cases the underlying principle is important. How do we distinguish between ‘cultural’ and normative commands?
April 28th: The Transmission of Adam’s Guilt
Speaker: Chris Laws
The poisonous streams which flowed from Adam’s disobedience help us appreciate the mighty work of Christ on Calvary.
April 21st: The Origin of the Soul
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Does the mysterious soul of man, which makes him unique in the world, come from his parents or directly from God?
April 14th: The Canon and the Apocrypha
Speaker: Jide Owolabi
How our Bibles were formed over centuries, supervised by the hand of God.
March 10th: The Last Judgment and Hell
Speaker: Chris Laws
The last chapter of the Baptist Confession of Faith on the Last Judgement raises large issues and throws into focus the amazing work on Calvary
February 25th: The Unpardonable Sin
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
What is the unpardonable sin? Can it be committed today? Young believers especially can be plagued by blasphemous thoughts against the Holy Spirit. The condition of the Pharisees to whom Christ said, “hath never forgiveness”, compared with the troubled believer.
February 18th: The Lord’s Supper
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
The purposes behind the Lord's Supper, providing a basis for thought and prayer at the Table.
February 11th: The Attributes of God (3)
Speaker: Chris Laws
The nature of Almighty God, revealed in His Word, is the foundation of true religion. God’s attributes, commonly divided into ‘exclusive’ and ‘reflected’, define the Christian life.
February 4th: The Doctrine of Adoption
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
The privilege of becoming sons of God. But are we born (again) into God’s family or adopted?
January 27th: The Attributes of God (2)
Speaker: Chris Laws
The nature of Almighty God, revealed in His Word, is the foundation of true religion. God’s attributes, commonly divided into ‘exclusive’ and ‘reflected’, define the Christian life.
January 20th: The Attributes of God (1)
Speaker: Chris Laws
The nature of Almighty God, revealed in His Word, is the foundation of true religion. God’s attributes, commonly divided into ‘exclusive’ and ‘reflected’, define the Christian life.
January 13th: Christ the Mediator (2)
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
The longest chapter in the 1689 Baptist Confession is devoted to this key doctrine, which underpins the most amazing work in the history of the world. Part 2.
January 6th: Christ the Mediator (1)
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
The longest chapter in the 1689 Baptist Confession is devoted to this key doctrine, which underpins the most amazing work in the history of the world.
December 10th: The Doctrine of Assurance
Speaker: Robert Aboagye
The three bases of assurance as explained in the Baptist Confession of Faith.
December 3rd: Tabernacle History of the Tabernacle (2) - Spurgeon
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Lessons from the life of the Tabernacle in C H Spurgeon’s time