February 18th: The Lord’s Supper

Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
The purposes behind the Lord's Supper, providing a basis for thought and prayer at the Table.

Introduction 1 Cor 11.23-31 
·         Understand what it is & why we remember it here in the manner we do
·         Words read in preparation for the Lord’s Supper (LS)
·         Speaks about the blessings believers can have from it
·         Ordinance – ordained by the Lord – ‘Do this in remembrance of me’
Verse 23‘I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you’
·         2 symbolic ceremonies – Baptism & the LS
·         Not Sacraments – where ‘blessing is channelled through the Priest’
·         Symbolic ceremonies – designed to remind of foundational Truths
·         Reflecting on the meaning – is all important; without faith – no meaning
Verse 26‘For as often as ye eat this bread, & drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.’
·         Shew – Kat-ang-gel-lo:  ‘Declare, preach’ – as would an angel or messenger
·         LS is a message/sermon preaching to all – Children, on-lookers, prepared by the Lord to all His people - & we listen on a regular basis
·         Shows us many things – graphic reminder of great spiritual activities
·         Not a saving ordinance, but ‘In remembrance of me’
·         If we have never known the Lord, how can we remember him?
Verse 29‘…not discerning the Lord’s body.’  For those who discern the meaning

Before we look @ the benefits of the LS – consider the 2 sides of the Symbolism
Atmosphere should be a balance of:
1.     A Memorial of His work – humiliation & agonies
2.     Remembering the Risen Lord – success of atoning death, victory over sin
Solemn reflection combined with great gladness & thanksgiving

What are the benefits & purposes of the LS? (8)
1.     Safeguards sound doctrine in the Church
·         Command to remember the Lords’ death
Verse 26‘For as often as ye eat this bread, & drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.’
·         The doctrine of the Atonement – our theology must never change
·         So many take the opposite view – people try to think of ‘better ways’ of understanding God
·         LS rebukes that attitude – the gospel age is to be dominated by Christ’s broken body
·         Christ as a scapegoat, sin-bearer – this has to be the central doctrine
·         LS exhibits & preserves the only true ground of salvation

2.     Moves individual believers to Love
·         In the symbolism of every believer taking the bread & the wine
·         Christ’s work must be personally believed upon – saved as individuals
·         Coldness, backsliding ® retain & rekindle humility & indebtedness to the Lord
·         How often do we meditate on Calvary? The cost? He knows our needs…

What should we dwell on in the service?
Verse 24
- ‘Take, eat: This is my body…’
·         He assumed a Real body – subject to like passions, yet this was the Lord of Glory
·         Christ at Calvary – punched & mocked, stripped & scourged, physical pain
·         Soul taking the agony of divine judgement – invisible/indescribable – for us!
·         Intolerable weight of human sin, & eternal weight of punishment
·         We may not know we cannot tell, what pain he had to bear!’
·         All our sin was laid upon Him – we should think of our sin, & repent - Drive to commit ourselves again
·         Fresh realisation of unfathomable warmth & personal love of Christ to His children

Hymn 661, v 2 – Often sung prior to LS:
He loved me, and gave himself for me; And surely I myself to Him will give;
None, Jesus, will ever love like Thee, And to Thy glory only will I live

What are the benefits & purposes of the LS?
3.     Inspires Gratitude & Praise
·         It reminds us that we have received the benefits of salvation
·         New life, conversion, understanding, new nature, spiritual & moral strength, comfort & consolation, & certainty of everlasting life - Symbolism, says, ‘All these are yours, in Christ’
Verse 23
‘The Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread.’
·         ‘I shall be broken, but that will not be the end of it…’
·         LS communicates light & encouragement
·         Disciples would’ve had despair by events of subsequent days
Luke 22.19‘& he took bread, & gave thanks, & brake it, & gave unto them…’
Although the bread symbolised His violent execution – He gave thanks!
Thanksgiving, not sorrow was the theme of the 1st Supper – Gladness/Praise

Hymn 664, verses 1 & 2:
Jesus invites His saints, To meet around His board; Here pardoned rebels sit and hold Communion with their Lord.
Blest tokens of His flesh, And of His outpoured blood: Amazing favour! Matchless grace, Of our descending Lord.

4.     Symbolises ‘Imputed Righteousness’
Verse 24
- ‘Take, eat: This is my body, which is broken for you…’
·         His body was not only broken in the sense that it suffered divine judgement, but that its merits were distributed to His people - His death might atone for sin – but where is the positive righteousness?
·         Christ had to also earn our eternal righteousness – His infinite righteousness secured this
·         LS means – We shelter under His blood, under His cloak of righteousness
Isaiah 53.10‘When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see [his] seed.’

5.     Privilege & Security
Verse 25
‘After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This is the new covenant in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.’
·         A covenant/agreement
·         Christ is the purchase price of the New Covenant – the highest price ever paid for anything
·         Symbolism in the individual guarantee of covenant security
Hebrews 13.20
‘Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant.
John 10.28,29‘& I give them eternal life; & they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of my hand. My father, which gave them, is greater than all; & no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.’

What are the benefits & purposes of the LS?
6.     Duty of Holiness
·         LS – A place of rededication in personal holiness
Hebrews 10.16,17
‘This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, & in their minds will I write them; & their sins & iniquities will I remember no more.’
·         The purpose of the new covenant is holiness/righteousness
·         Blood of the new covenant gives us new natures & lively consciences
·         Are we striving for improvement in character? What is our main concern?
·         LS is a time for honest self-examination
Verse 27
‘Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, & drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body & blood of the Lord.’
·         Unworthily means Irreverently – heedless, selfish & indifferent to others
·         We shouldn’t be like the indifferent people who were party to the crucifixion…
·         Hence the challenge…
Verse 28 – ‘But let a man examine [try/prove] himself, & so let him eat of that bread, & drink of that cup.’
·         LS – is like a regulator of our behaviour
·         Warnings follow in verses 29-31
·         Insincerity at the LS, might be followed by judgement

7.     The Lord as our highest pleasure
·         He is our Spiritual food - No greater source of encouragement, consolation, uplift & enjoyment
·         His Word, His purposes, His presence & His Kingdom – He is our manna
·         Christ & the things of Christ should be our food & drink

Hymn 589, v 1 & 3:
Emptied of earth I long to be,                                Nothing, save Jesus, would I know;
Of sin, of self, and all but Thee;                             My friend and my companion Thou!
Wholly reserved for Christ that died,                      Lord, seize my heart, assert Thy right,
Surrendered to the Crucified:                                 And put all other loves to flight.

·         LS is also a picture of a Royal Family gathering – friendship & affection
·         Sons & daughters glad to be in the presence of the King, listening to Him
·         A time to draw near – with Christ alone at the head of the table – Lords’ Table

8.     Leads to Union with one another
·         Great family reunion – we are a family of redeemed sons & daughters
·         We should be humbled & deepened in love together
·         Or do I come as an individual? Am I failing to see the purpose of the LS?
·         Table is furnished with guests? Who are they? His chosen companions
·         Family gathering, inner circle – a team, a firm, a mission, a faculty

5 helpful thoughts for reflection at the Lords Supper
    I.        Look back – the Cross, the pain, Gods’ wrath, the debt
    II.        Look up – majesty & power in Heaven, his attributes
   III.        Look forward – ‘til he come’, the judgement & heaven, our priorities
   IV.        Look within – Self examination, humility & repentance
     V.        Look around – family illus, ‘love one another’, keeping His commands


February 25th: The Unpardonable Sin


February 11th: The Attributes of God (3)