May 5th: What Is Cultural?
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
Some commands in the New Testament, such as washing one another’s feet, or greeting one another with a holy kiss, have traditionally been interpreted as cultural. In such cases the underlying principle is important. How do we distinguish between ‘cultural’ and normative commands?
What is Cultural? Is the Bible ALWAYS binding today? Reading 1 Cor 2.1-16
· Is the Bible an unclear book? Perspicuity How seriously should we take the detail?
· What about the commands in the Bible? are they all binding on God’s people today?
· “Everything in the Bible is to be obeyed” – is clearly too simplistic…
· Working with our hands? Signs & wonders as the apostles?
· Sell all & distribute to the poor as in Acts 2.45?
· Lord’s Supper be linked to a Church meal & only be in the evening?
Some practices are for today, & some are not
How do we draw the line between what is binding & what is not?
Some instructions have a ‘Cultural Coat’
· The Holy Kiss – expressing peace & sincerity
· Rom 16, 1 Cor 16, 2 Cor 13, 1 Thess 5 & 1 Peter 5 vs. those 10 verses that say Salute – ‘embrace in the arms’ (actually only done within the sexes)
· Superseded by a culturally equivalent act – the handshake
Illus: ‘How to deal with someone who wants a hug greeting’
This method of interpretation produces a problem – ‘disposing of literal interpretation’
· What about Paul’s command that women should not preach?
· Dispose of this command then we could get rid of many others for cultural reasons. Could lead to massive loss of respect for the Bible
· N.B. Inspiration, Authority & Sufficiency of Scripture (every aspect of church life)
· Today, most merely believe the scriptures are only authoritative for Salvation!
· Cultural conditioning is now the leading excuse for New Evangelicals
· Re: Sign gifts – Charismatic believers accuse us of picking want we want!
Does the Bible have rules for what was temporary & for what’s permanent?
The Regulative Principle – everything we do in Christian worship must be in accordance with God’s word
· If no clear command – then no authority e.g. dancing, solo’s
· C of E takes opposite view (the Normative Principle) – we can formulate any rite or ceremony, so long as it’s not incompatible or contradictory to the scripture
· We should uphold the regulative principle, but it doesn’t go far enough!
· We need a principle that determines not only worship, but everything a church does – i.e. Evangelism & Government
Is something a pattern for us to follow? i.e. binding, Or was it cultural or temporary?
Others have invented some inadequate rules
· OT valid only if it’s repeated in the NT- but LJC treated the OT as the authoritative Word of God
· Or they say… “Texts in the Bible are only binding if”:
1. Essential for salvation
2. Included in the life & teaching of the LJC
3. Based on the nature of God & the order of Creation
Illus: Worship in churches, & Sabbath observance in many countries
The Bible’s Own tests
1. All Scripture is binding for today, unless Scripture sets a limit on the text
- The NT rules out literal compliance with the ceremonial law of the OT. But the underlying principles remain
- And, signs & wonders, Paul explains were only done by the apostles & were for a specific purpose & time
2. All Scripture is binding for today, unless it is modified (in the passage) or contradicted elsewhere
1 Cor 2.13 – ‘Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual’
Plus other verses – ‘Mind of Christ’, not like another other book…
1 Cor 7.26 - Paul’s strong exhortation to remain single – was only ‘valid for the present distress’
- Disciples sent out with ‘no money or change of clothing’ – later modified
Matt 10.9 – ‘Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves…’
Luke 22.35 – ‘& he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, & scrip, & shoes, lacked ye any thing? & they said, Nothing. Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, & likewise his scrip: & he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, & buy one’
3. All Scripture is binding today unless it can be shown (& proved) that the outward expression of obedience is variable in different cultures
Romans 14.17 - ‘For the kingdom of God is not meat & drink; but righteousness, & peace, & joy in the Holy Ghost…’
- It’s the principle that is important
What is cultural behaviour?
· Does the command wear a cultural coat?
· Is the principle more/most important, but the manner of expression exchangeable?
· Compare Moslem culture – clothing/customs are vital – “way of life”
· Christianity is not bound by culture
Aside: What is culture? Do you have a Christian view of culture?
· Culture is not related to race or ethnicity, but behaviour, conduct & way of life
· Ethnic groups unite around common culture & the sinful world affects unbelieving culture
· In the NT cultural differences stem from belief & value – contradicts the idea of cultural neutrality. So…
1. Culture should flow from religious values/understanding…
2. We believe that the gospel changes behaviour – it changes a person’s culture. “We should be drawn into a race united around biblical values”
2 Cor 5.17 – ‘Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new’
3. Christian culture should be pure, holy & distinct from unbelievers; it’s not neutral. (we should reject the culture of the world, the culture of unbelief)
4. We are new, distinct people sharing new values & thus a new culture
1 Peter 1.15 – ‘But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation’
2 Peter 3.11 – ‘Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation & godliness’
Example: Washing of feet – where outward expression of obedience is variable in different cultures
· Washing a guests feet expressed humility, courtesy, goodwill & helpfulness
· Is foot-washing essential to God, & the only valid way to express these virtues?
Therefore, we ask two simple questions
· Was the act a social custom in Bible times?
· Could the underlying principle equally be expressed in some other way?
· Only if we can Answer YES to both Q’s is culture involved & it’s non-binding
Other examples
1. Labouring with Hands – majority worked with hands. Principle of living honestly, without stealing or scrounging & having the means to help others
Ephesians 4.28 – ‘Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth’
1 Thess 4.11 – ‘And that ye study to be quiet, & to do your own business, & to work with your own hands, as we commanded you’
2. Women Preaching – no other way of complying with command to remain silent. Paul also cites theological reasons 1 Tim 2
3. Head Covering – A social custom. Could it be expressed in another way? Some say ‘Yes’, others say ‘No’. Christian dress should generally be expressed in the modest culture of the day
4. Baptism/Lord’s Supper – definitely not cultural. Could they be expressed in some other way?
5. Elders/Financial support of pastors – possibly cultural, but cannot be expressed another way
No Confusion!
· Not to review a list of Christian duties, but to show that the Bible is not a mass of confusion
· The Bible does have a Code for the Christian life/operations of the Church cf. New Evangelicals
· The Bible is to be trusted & believed as the inspired, authoritative, infallible & sufficient Word of God
To conclude - All scripture is binding today unless…
1. All Scripture is binding today, unless Scripture sets a limit on the text
2. All Scripture is binding, unless it is modified or contradicted elsewhere
3. All Scripture is binding today unless it can be shown (& proved) that the outward expression of obedience is variable in different cultures