The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith is
the Tabernacle’s doctrinal standard.
Doctrine Classes cover the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, contemporary issues and other topics of particular importance.
As an independent reformed Baptist church, the Tabernacle teaches the doctrines of grace and the free offer of the Gospel. It adheres strongly to traditional worship, teaches separation from worldliness and emphasises the working church concept.
The second pastor, Benjamin Keach, was a co-signatory of the 1689 confession which has remained the church’s statement of faith ever since. CH Spurgeon encouraged all the younger people in the Tabernacle to read it, their first ‘systematic theology in short compass’. It remains a basis for peace and unity among the church members, and today we ask all who join the Tabernacle to become familiar with it.
Doctrine Class gives an overview of the Confession, together with other topics, in two years.
Video recordings of lessons are posted after the classes.

March 20th: Dr Tom Barnado
Speaker: Chris Cooper
While studying medicine, Tom Barnado became superintendent of a “ragged school” in the East End of Victorian London. This fast moving life of the founder of the Barnado homes intertwines with those of CH Spurgeon, Fred Charrington, and Lord Radstock, the revival instrument in Russia.

March 13th: The Canon
Speaker: Chris Laws
How were the 66 books of the Bible collected together? The idea that Church councils were responsible is rebutted, and the way the collection formed is traced.

December 5th: The Sufficiency of Scripture
Speaker: Chris Laws
Scripture is described by our Confession as a “sufficient” as well as infallible ‘handbook for life’. A look at the the first BCF doctrine and its implications.

November 28th: Assurance
Speaker: Pastor Ibrahim Ag Mohamed
The Baptist Confession tells us we “may in this life be certainly assured”. How assurance is obtained and maintained.

4th July: The Great Ejection
Speaker: Chris Cooper
In 1662 over 2000 Puritan ministers were ejected from the Church of England. Their quiet heroism and suffering provide a very moving challenge to separate from error.

20th June: How the Gospel came to Britain
Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll
The Gospel which spread rapidly to the Western world has exerted a powerful influence over the nation for over 1500 years

June 13th: Why the Bloodshed and Violence in the OT?
Speaker: Chris Laws
A superficial look at the Old Testament appears to show an OT/NT divide. The sophistication of both law and life in OT Israel is here explored.

May 30th: Bible Translations
Speaker: Pastor Ibrahim Ag Mohamed
Following on from his study of Bible manuscripts, Pastor Ibrahim will look at the issues which lie behind the many translations.

May 23rd: Personal Bible study
Speaker: Chris Laws
The Bible’s own approach to personal devotional reading unlocks the riches of God’s Word. A study from the Baptist Confession, chapter 1.

March 7th: The Bible Manuscripts
Speaker: Pastor Ibrahim Ag Mohamed
The remarkable story of the Old and New Testaments - how the inspired text has been preserved despite the loss of the original manuscripts. Failure to adopt trustworthy manuscripts has given rise to many unreliable modern Bible versions.

6th September: Conversion
Speaker: Chris Laws
This study is devoted to examining the ‘components’ common to all true Christian conversion experience. Here is essential information if we are to be useful in helping seekers.

2nd August: Original Sin
Speaker: Chris Laws
Only the Bible provides an explanation for the universality of sin. The Fall of man has resulted in all being “born in sin”. But why are we condemned because Adam fell? This study traces the impact of Adam’s disobedience.

7th June: Revivals
Speaker: Chris Laws
The 20th century is the first since Wycliffe to have had no awakening. Historically revivals have uplifted society, and inspired missionary enterprise. What is there for preachers and Christian workers to do when the Spirit moves in mighty power?