9th June: Demon Possession

Speaker: Duncan Wyncoll

Demon possession was much in evidence during the ministry of Christ. Does it occur today, and if so, under what circumstances?

Demon Possession Today? – Luke 11:14-26

·      We live in an increasingly atheistic world, but there’s world-wide fascination with demons, the occult (hidden), wizards, spiritism
·      Everyone cashes-in on Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings
·      Books, plays, films, theatre – fascination especially for the young is obvious…
·      Some begin to dabble in these things out of curiosity – just like horoscopes – begin as innocent fun, but leads to tragic consequences for some
·      The world often thinks - ‘Christians believe in demon possession & that it’s still common today!’ – A Charismatic view. Every illness attributed to a demon…
·      Most people have actually never come across a case [Wesley a few times, Calvin once…]
·      Some regard it as a ‘primitive’ view of various illnesses

 What should be the Biblical View about DP? Is it common today?
Can demons possess a person involuntarily (against their will)?
Is there a NT charge to go & cast out demons? Does this apply to us?

 Historical view
·      Different views from the mission field – depending upon the region; one conclusion could be that – ‘DP is in the eye of the beholder’
·      Or perhaps it’s more widespread in those areas where gospel’s had less influence
·      DP mentioned frequently in the OT, & then significant increase at time of Christ
·      But Calvary brought about dramatic reduction – some say almost total elimination of DP – with the only exception being those voluntary yielding or involved in spiritism

How is Demon Possession described in the Bible?
·      Fits, insanity, immense physical strength, clairvoyance…
·      It was obvious, horrific & easily recognised – not an ordinary disease
NB. Bible is medically very accurate e.g. Leprosy in Bible

Gospel writers always distinguished DP from bodily sicknesses

Matthew 4.24‘...& they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases & torments (tortures/pains), & those which were possessed with devils, & those which were lunatick (crazy), & those that had the palsy, & he healed them.’
Matthew 8.16‘When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: & he cast out the spirits with his word, & healed all that were sick:’

Christ made a distinction in his work
Luke 13.32
‘...Go ye, & tell that fox, Behold I cast out devils, & I do cures to day & to morrow, & the third day I shall be perfected.’

Christ’s purposes were served by the activity of casting out demons
Luke 11.20
‘...But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you.’
Showing His compassionate character, demonstrating divine power, drawing attention to spiritual warfare, & a visual aid of a higher objective

Need to get the Biblical Balance right in our view about the devil/demons/Satan
·      Frequently warned to be watchful & ready
His fiery darts (Eph 6.16); adversary the devil… seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5.8,9); Neither give place (occupancy, home, license) to the devil (Eph 4.27); resist the devil (James 4.7); the snare of the devil (1 Tim 3.7). i.e. take him seriously…
·      But strike that scriptural balance – Satan is a crushed & defeated foe
Illustration: Jude 6 speaks about fallen angels enchained forever…
In Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Christian was afraid when he saw 2 lions in the way. Mistrust & Timorous turn back. ‘The lions were chained, but he saw no chains…’

Six reasons why WIDESPREAD (involuntary) DP ended with the ministry of Christ
·      At least a massive curtailment of his power
·      Devil’s antagonism would now be expressed in other ways

1.   The Lord cast out demons to show that occupation was at an end
Luke 11.20-22 - ‘When a strong man armed…’ + Explanation, Palace = Heart. Christ didn’t need to negotiate… Satan confident, but disarmed by Christ
Luke 10.17-18‘& the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. & He said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven...’
Christ gave the disciples power to cast out demons as a ‘sign that the gospel age had come’
This power has not been passed to us as the representatives of Christ, because the purpose is no longer necessary
Matthew Henry (on v.18) – ‘See how Satan’s kingdom totters, see how it tumbles’.
The disciples triumphed in casting out devils from people’s bodies, but Christ saw the fall of the devil in the interest in men’s souls
Satan defeated – By Calvary it is as good as done – yet not fully effected
Satan is no longer able to blind the nations & occupy humans at his will
Illustration: Thunder & Lightening – effected simultaneously, but appreciated by us at different times

2.   Demons are now in captivity & restricted
Psalm 68
quoted by Paul – passage which predicts & explains battle between Christ & the Devil
Satan being stripped of power, & it being given to the Church
Satan wielded great power to deceive nations, to keep the gentiles in darkness & occupy at will
Eph 4.8,11 (quote of Psalm 68). The Church was given gifts of communication to penetrate the deceived nations - Yet Devil still tempts men to great evil
On the eve of His crucifixion
John 12.31 – Now is the judgement of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out’

 3.   Satan is bound up for the gospel age (restrained at present)
Revelation 20.1-3 – Tied up as far as deceiving the nations
Bound implies unable to seize control of the mind, & completely obstruct spiritual influence
His power continues to be hideous & great, but no longer able to occupy at will
Revelation 9.1-11 – another scene of the gospel age…
‘Locusts which damage, not the grass of the earth or the foliage of the trees’
Picture of Satanic campaign to darken the minds of unregenerate men - & so corrupt their lives
Yet the demons are over-ruled by a Sovereign God – their destructive power is limited
It’s a figurative way of explaining how Satan blots out the Light of God’s truth from the minds of men… Darkening their understanding, so their thinking rests upon their own presuppositions (i.e. thoughts)
Men’s thoughts often are a flat contradiction to the word of God
2 Thess 2 - Manifestation allowed at the end of time – ‘loosed for a season’ Rev 20.3 

4.   The Demons themselves seemed to know
Look at how the demons reacted! From Luke the doctor…
Luke 8.28 – ‘When he saw Jesus, he cried out, & fell down before Him, & with a loud voice said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God most High? I beseech Thee, torment me not.’  [Man of Gadara]
Spirits recognised Christ & the implications of what would happen
Pleaded not to be sent to the deep/abyss/hell – realising that occupation would no longer be possible
Pleading to enter swine – to destroy men’s possessions
Also – Man in the synagogue,
Mark 1.24 - ‘Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? Art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God’ 

5.   Demonic activities are precisely listed
NT tells us what Satan’s activities will be - occupying living people is not one of them
While some ‘exorcise’ non-existent demons, the real demons are wrecking the churches
Worldliness, ecumenism, covetousness, hypocrisy, false doctrine
James 3:15
- ‘This wisdom is… earthly, sensual, devilish.’ Lit. ‘Of the devil’

6.   No biblical authority for exorcism
Total absence of any positive instruction about exorcism of demon possession
Apostles & 70 received power for a short period of time to announce the coming of the gospel age
Does spiritual warfare passage of Eph 6.10f mention DP & exorcism?

What about the example of Paul?
Acts 16.16-18
– DP at Philippi, ‘I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her
Often used as a lucky charm or superstitious formula
BUT, the apostle had a special license or authority - empowered by Christ
We have no similar commission

Satan is a vanquished & defeated foe
We must not:
1.    Credit the devil with powers that he no longer has
2.    Forget a major component of our Saviour’s victory


16th June: Heaven


2nd June: Hypercalvinism and the Gospel Offer